Sunday, December 19, 2021

Will Americans Welcome Foreign Invasion


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The press conference below of Nancy Pelosi is the second one which this blog featured. The first it was obvious she was drinking heavily. This one, she is probably drunk too, and that is the problem in, if the Speaker of the House is not drunk, then the question is what is wrong with her mental capacity?

As a Christian Protestant who has pointed out the many failings of Donald John Trump in not effecting his promises on MAGA, I really am disappointed in liberals who are not saying one word concerning the people they have helped elect and or steal office.
Winning is all to a liberal and they would destroy themselves rather than seeing anyone competent from the Nazi right be elected.

What is affecting everyone of us is the animated Dictator Joe Biden. We all agree in growing liberal numbers that something is completely wrong with this old man. He is either farting at royalty, soiling himself at summits so he has to stand off to the side, or he is fondling children as let us all agree in we have problems like:

This Covid reality has exposed the serum is either giving people severe reactions or not protecting them so they are dying.

America has immense inflation problems, immense supply problems, immense invasion by foreigners, immense monetary problems in spending and Federal Reserve interest rate hikes.

America has a war problem with both Russia and China, and a nuclear Iran which is moving toward hegemony in a nuclear Mid Asia

These are real dangers to anyone in the United States. I will be the first to say that the Republicans did absolutely nothing when Trump was in power to solve any of this, and are as corrupt as the liberals in Congress. We have a real generated crisis in America, which is stemming from the 1% in control, and it will affect the 3% which the rich liberals are blindly providing carte blanche to.

Liberals must understand there are consequences to their silence and their affirmations. The Lame Cherry lives in the Brier Patch. You can see the last place on earth from here. The reality is that in the event or war or plague spread, that rural areas are the last targets. The first targets are the enclaves where the 1% live. People like Alec Baldwin, John Cusack, Jon Bon Jovi, Alyssa Milano all live in target areas of war or where plagues spread. For those like Rick Schroeder who have Montana ranches or George Clooney who have villas, the reality is rural Americans know the rich are there just like foreigners in Italy know the rich are there, and they detest you, and will come for you once they have cover or a societal breakdown.

Try being an American in a foreign land or where rural Americans live, and you do not belong, and you will discover how alone you are, and how much sport you will be made of to entertain the locals who have been nursing grudges for years.

All of these refugees pouring into Reagan Blue States, thinking they can buy up land and houses, have no idea how hated they are by the locals, who have been outpriced by their riches and are having to compete with Goddamn foreign vermin for used cars. When the shit hits the fan, your pretty things are going to start disappearing, because a rancorous criminal element exists in every rural area. 
I have mentioned previously that we have people who moved in here decades ago, and they are still referred to as the new people. Unless you have some blood kindred, you are always looked upon as an outsider. It does not make any difference if it is Kentucky, Upstate New York, Colorado, Montana or Utah, the same Americans exist in all places and they all may talk to you, but when they are talking to the locals it is, "That Goddamn idiot who moved in here".

This was not intended to be a social studies education in forensic psychology, but a reality check in the United States by the 1% installed a mentally and physically retarded Joe Biden who is the animated dictator.

Kamala Harris a birther. She is vanished apparently being in fear of her life from Biden henchmen looking to replace her. She is pillow  talk savvy, but she is not capable for dealing with the Putin's and Xi's of this world who are out for American blood.

Speaker Pelosi is dysfunctional, meaning she is even more incoherent that the Dictator if the need to replace appears.

Chuck Schumer, again the man is aging, and he has simply disappeared.

Would anyone believe that Sec Gay Flag Blinken or Sec of the Woke military in Lloyd Austin have any substance to lead Americans? Blinken is the force to rally American allies. They have abandoned the United States. Greece and Poland are not going to stop Russia. The Sunni will not stop Shia Iran. Taiwan and South Korea will not stop China.

The secretaries of State and Defense are incapable as their focus is hatred of Christians and Whites, while loving anus sex and snowflakes. America does not have any leadership by design and those appointed do not have the capability to produce diplomacy or martial forces to fight an adversary.

The way the world is moving, the United States has abandoned Ukraine for a falling back to Poland which will destroy American prestige. If military action is engaged in the Mid East, America will be driven from it's sand spit bases. If it comes to South China, the United States is facing a Corregidore disaster where for however long Taiwan can hold out, Americans will face world attention in not being able to do a thing to stop the Chinese PLA.

The United States if facing the reality of Frank Roosevelt's starting World War II with epic defeat after defeat, without the industrial base to produce weapons nor the time to build an invasion force. Russia, China and Iran move, they will obliterate the worthless American allies, drive the American woke military from the theater, and once that is completed in weeks, there will be a hot nuclear umbrella sealing the fate of Europeans and Asians to Russian, Chinese and Iranian empire.

Are liberals then going to be Jane Fonda strattling enemy weapons, denouncing their democrat leader in Joe Biden as they did Lyndon Johnson, and expect to find succor in Russia and China after their propaganda use if over, only to wake up like Lee Harvey Oswald that being a defector means you get a shit job and exist in shit hole as you are nothing special once the lights go off from the cameras.

Will Americans come to the point in this question of welcoming foreign oppression, because it will be less than the domestic oppression and failure which is now cascading down upon them? Will Americans be like Latvians welcoming Germans to free them from Soviets in Word War II? 

There honestly is not any American leadership at the top, in either party, to the levels below. This is all by 1% design and it will bring catastrophic failure abroad and at home. You had better brace yourselves my children for the shock of the retreats and the defeats which are destined to come. There simply can not be any other outcome with this type of command and control structure. This is bait for Russia, China and Iran to come forward as the victory is certain and the odds of vanquishing America to a stalemate has tipped in their favor. 

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti mater.

Nuff Said
