Friday, December 10, 2021

If You're the 8th version aren't You supposed to be Reliable

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in mater anti matter.

So the head of the SEALS, with like a lifetime of experience, training and leading wokesters who hunt down White People an Black People who are not vaxed and things like that...

Bourgeois was participating in a routine nighttime training event with his men and he fell out of the helicopter

Now I'm just scoping this out.

So you got a geezer of age 43, slower than dung reflexes, out at night, in charge of everything, and he falls out of a vehicle and gets himself killed.

I probably need to repeat, someone old as dinosaurs with cadaver quick reflexes, falls out of a door.

OK the geezer falls out of a door, because he apparently either forgot to have a safety harness on or the Navy thinks that killing off trained people they have spent millions of taxpayer dollars is ..........well they way you do things.

All of us just experienced the nitwit Alec Baldwin is in pulling a gun, pointing a gun, cocking a gun and murdering someone as a stupid thing. In review, we have a SEAL who is old as dirt, who is so slow his joints are fossilized, does not wear a safety harness.

OK here is something in review. Electric linemen wear safety harnesses. Lumberjacks were safety harnesses. Pilots wear safety harnesses, but Navy SEALS so old they break like glass do not wear safety harnesses.

So...........I suppose this guy will be called a hero.  Might as well as why not call being stupid heroic.

The most highly trained person in the military, fell out of an open door. Just in case you do not comprehend that.

OK time for me to eat a wafer cookie as I'm sure this will save America as the SEALS sure as hell are not up to it.

Nuff Said
