Thursday, December 9, 2021

Like Jan6ers the Vax get no Trump Immunity


OK I swear this is the vax that protects you by killing you.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

America's Frontline Docs cited a study in Sweden where there is evidence of immune system erosion in taking the vax.

Lancet study comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated people in Sweden was conducted among 1.6 million individuals over nine months. It showed that protection against symptomatic COVID-19 declined with time, such that by six months, some of the more vulnerable vaccinated groups were at greater risk than their unvaccinated peers.

Doctors are calling this phenomena in the repeatedly vaccinated “immune erosion” or “acquired immune deficiency”, accounting for elevated incidence of myocarditis and other post-vaccine illnesses that either affect them more rapidly, resulting in death, or more slowly, resulting in chronic illness.

I have cited two examples in my life which are 100% confirmed in the son of a girl I was confirmed with in the Lutheran Church and my dead brother.

The Lutheran son, within weeks of being vaxed, started contracting every virus that came along. His mother told him to get to the doctor as she knew something was dangerously wrong with her child.

His symptoms though persisted in being extremely tired, and his mother told me that he is on 5000 units of Vitamin D a day under doctor's prescription and they put him on steroids.

I will add that he has a friend who owns a heath food store and has been drinking some blue raspberry health drink and he thinks this is also helping him.

This is a real person and the vax suppressed his immune system. I have no idea what the future holds, if this is a losing battle like HIV or the body may fix itself. This is though the reality of this vax when it is not the saline injection.

This woman's sister also went down with "Covid" after being double vaxed.

My brother's episodes were the worst I have heard. I have no idea if the 1% thought they had me being injected or what, but in speaking with his daughter, he also had mood changes in he was laid back and happy.. That was never my brother. He was a chronic bitcher and he was never happy.

He also appears to started having memory lapses. That though is nothing compared to cancer in his body responding like gasoline was poured on a match. His lung filled up with fluid which had to be drained. His sodium content depleted, again another interference of this prion, He had one mild heart attack, two bad strokes and the severe stroke which put him down.

I repeat in this, that he had CAT scans also which may have had an effect as in 5G on the material in the vax. His brain never swelled from the strokes as it should have, but he never regained consciousness after his last major stroke. In prayer he died 23 hours after entering hospice, which was a real Thank God blessing.

What we do not know for certain in this is if having the bioweapon affected my brother in killing him with the vax. We have a friend who was full of bloodclots. He took the vax and had suffered from the virus. His version was though the one which affected his smell. That version is thought to bring on senility.

He also had a month long lost voice which was bizarre.

I have seen too many people like my brother in this vax as the virus is affecting sodium, zinc and iron levels in inhibiting these elements.

All of this projects to real problems with depressed immune systems and the worst of it in the blocking of the body's ability to fight cancer.

This is upon the world now by medical data. People are having problems fighting off diseases. This is serious.

The Jews though have the answer in now their health minister is demanding 7 shots of this serum to be fully "immune".

Not good.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
