As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
My existence is one of trying to figure out how to pay for things and not ending up dead by the forces out here. In that, most of my days are shitty, probably most of my days would have most of you putting a bullet in your brains to end it all. I have had a great deal of practice in suffering, so I offer up some advice on what all of us are going to be going through as things ratchet up.
You are going to have to learn to lie to yourselves. You are going to have to tell yourself that things will get better. You are going to have to learn to cut losses and just leave things sit, and come back to them after God has some time to explain things to you.
I realize that most of you reading this are putz brains in the first place, and you lie to yourselves in you have no consciences and could not care about others. You have it made in sound sleep and the devil working things out for you. For the rest of you though, you are going to have to learn to lie as in reading these 1% headlines today, they are creating a global assylum without rights and poverty is what will follow.
TL was good to me in lying today that things would work out. Of course TL is right in God is always working things out, and even when things seem really shitty, God is working things out, even in the moment I want to scream and just never deal with things ever again.
I just have had a miserable year in trying to prepare for bad things, and the entire year all I do is fix on things, spend money fixing on things and just wonder why things simply do not work out. Of course they do, as the Farmall's we obtained, are running. Yes they need some fixing, but the engines want to run now, instead of just being things that crank over and nothing happens. I'm learning, more than I ever care to as all this learning is compressed in I have no time, it makes my head hurt, and I really hate fixing things, and I hate having to learn to be an expert on more shit, because most people are shit for brains now in they can not fix anything unless it is hooked up to a computer.
So you are going to have to lie to yourselves that things will get better. The worst of this is I can not yet go native, because one still has to live in this asylum to not make problems for yourselves, until things start unplugging.
I'm just going to let go. Forget about shit for the rest of the day, and do some other things I can control the outcome on to work out, and then just see what God turns up, as I could use 6 more months of a 60 degree autumn with every day being sunny, dry and things working out. I just never have days string together that are working out. So I learn to lie to myself.
Nuff Said