I know you had your booster, but this one is for
your right testicle, and I have one for your left testicle
and you do not want to know where number 3 gets stuck into.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Since David John Oates has gone the grey zone in going after the CIA's overthrow of religion which will replace it with a new belief system, as Christianity discredited will provide the way for satananity, there has not been anything of value in revealing what is taking place in the secular.
This is regrettable at this time due to the progressing event structure.
Just understand that the Dictator says this entire Omicron propaganda is not a danger. The head plug at the WHO though is stating a new blitz is coming on humanity.
Joe Biden
people vaccinated - the crime in England
we should all be concerned about omicron - we bore
get vaccinated - nagging it nagging it nag
schools require adults vaccinated - have biggest hoax
Dr. Ted of the WHO
Last time we hosted you - building new blitz
Nuff Said