Tuesday, December 14, 2021

My Christmas Gift to You: The Prepper Economy


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This blog sets the Edward Lansdale standard of influencing the world. Even the British Paul Joe Watson is using the term Refuseniks as much as everyone has succumbed to the defining term "vax" which began here as I was not going to be led around by the jhab Mockingbird.

Jahb requires more energy to say while vax is easy. I win by God's Grace as the Lame Cherry is a Wordwright.

Now onto your special information for my children and my brats. Numbers of you have been wanting to go out and get hunted down by the FBI or making yourselves popular when you just can not handle it.

By now, after two years of extolling the Virtue of Lame Cherry preparations, the non Darwin's amonngst you are prepared and continue to prepare. You are about to gain new insights in this blog explaining things to you.

The "economy": which America has operated under since Trump is a prepper economy. The 1% have been hording supplies in the miles of tunnels an bases they built on our debt and numbers of you have been buying up things to survive what is coming.

You should by now have all you need to survive at least 6 months, and if not several years. Here are your new instructions, stop buying things, except to keep your cache full as you cycle older items out.

You are about to learn why in you are going to actually be engaged in something useful, as we know certainties are on the horizon.

First the Fed has stated that inflation is going to spike and then begin to taper off. It would be unwise to fall for this shortage thing anymore, knowing there are ample supplies out there while paying a king's ransom. 

Second, the Fed is going to begin jacking up interest rates. This will put a death grip on the US spending feeding all of this as the United States can not sustain the Bush Fam rapine of no interest cheap money when borrowing money has costs. This will set off a push for bond sales again, and pressure stocks, causing them to correct.

Third, watch how far oil drops in your gas prices. The predictions are for spikes again, but gas has fallen 10 cents a gallon. That is money which is re routed to the fraud Christmas buying BS. The 1% will signal how critical the situation is, by how fare fuel drops.
Home heating is surging and so will electric rates next year so understand you will be gleaned to zero resistance dollars one way or the other.

Fourth, in this prepper economy, you were suckered into buying loads of things you never would buy to survive. You are still being fear terrorized. Most of you have stopped listening to that Fauci Covid Porn and are rightly living your lives. The same holds true of people starving in food shortages. None of that matters as you are prepared.
The Lame Cherry advocates though that you still prudently buy what you need in leaving signatures that you do not have loads of toilet paper as new walls in your home. You do not want to enter the time of social score tracking and asking you why you are not wiping your ass. You must leave appropriate tracks like a bleater as you are a sheep.

Now why are you changing your operational structure? It is because inflation will stop people from spending as they can not afford it. You will stop, because you have prepared. This will produce an effect which Ronald Reagan created in his recovery, and that is deflation.

You are going to help feed that necessity and it will benefit you. Just remember that Mexicans, Jews, Muslims and Indians do not buy things like Americans do. They compete is the arenas of these mindwarped children with cell phone nipples. Those culls have a finite economic arena to operate in. Let them devour themselves as you are outside that competition.

Chinese goods are inferior. I was speaking with my neighbor who has Vermeer round baler. He stated, those damned replacement bearings will go out by next year and need replacing again. That is all China is and when the war comes, you will be prudently aligning yourselves with a structure which lasts.

I really hope that you comprehended the reality that you are being lied to and manipulated worse than you were before in herding you to do things like making purchases or the dolts who fled the coasts for the inhospitable interior as they liked Kristi Noem's inviting Hoover lips. This diaspora of coastal refugees is for purpose in disrupting as much as the invasion. Those who held their ground, those who will give ground to the state to survive another day, those who are prepared are the ones who are not the Darwins trying to live in Minnesota Arrowhead 30 below and snow when all they knew was 80 degree California and street snowplow New York.

You are now cozy. You are now secure. You are now prepared. You do not care of the stock market plunges. You do not care if prices go up. You do not care where the Chinese and Russians are shitting. You have weaned yourselves from the Mockingbird and you are at liberty in this siege having learned to be an adult and not making decisions that you have to discuss with your 20 girlfriends, after you ponder how fat your fat ass clothes make your fat ass looks.

You are now unplugged emotionally from the Mockingbird. You are looking at the world from your home cache. You have your Plan B, C and D and are not going to panic about anything else that comes as it is coming.

You should pray first, but most of you will probably in what is coming, groan and then let loose with some off color phrase like, "Godd*amn this son of a b*tch". Then you settle down and are led by God to start figuring a way to cope.

Here is a hint.

How many foreign invaders did the Trump and the Dictator allow into America? That is the number of White and Blacks which will be cropped by this serum. I told you it is not going to be in the numbers in the beginning of this in that ridiculous only 500 million people left on the planet. No, this is the Norman terrorist William making the Angles cut to his cloth of the land.

You will repeat, "I got my God. I got my supplies. I have my plan", and you will be secure as your focus is on what you are doing, not the propaganda being blared at you.

This education will not get your through almost the first quarter of 2022 AD in the year of our Lord. In the words of the ravishingly beautifully gorgeous vixen Jen Psaki, "I will circle back and check on you in a few.".

There are a number of posts to publish on the old  theme, but we begin shifting now in the new direction as it is boots and saddles, you are engaged in a positive outlook and you are moving by the left flank, daily ahead and not being diverted by rumors of the immortals and the greys.

They have spent their resources to bring about the effects which were by design. Now being prepared you move through first quarter to the next step you will be prepared for. You have enough to occupy you that the adult section in those revelations will wait. You have a purpose now to deal with what is already set up to easily move through this feature.

This is once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
