Tuesday, December 14, 2021

The Vax Cancer Assist


Hmmmm how did cancer get into my oil?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I'm still trying to puzzle out and comprehend how the vax murdered my brother. The reason is, due to the things he had, did not match the medical cause and reaction that ended his life.

For example, when President Richard Nixon had a stroke. He stopped medications as he knew his life was over, and with a stroke, your brain swells, and then presses down on your spinal cord via the brain stem, so your heart and breathing stop. If you take meds that stop swelling, then the brain does not swell.

My brother had 2 strokes which were bad and a 3rd which was the kill shot. In stroke you should die in about 12 hours from brain swelling. He was alive for days and his brain was not swelling. He had a stroke for certain as his right side went limp. This vax is doing things which do not match medical cause and effect.

There as something that I was just reading on Rense.com as he posted a number of vax conditions which took place and cancer is one. The focus here was leukemia
which murdered people in about 2 weeks.

The Holy Ghost points out all the data to me in remembering things, and when I read bruising, I remembered in the casket my brother's right arm was horrifically bruised. I don't know if he fell and was first unresponsive, but it was there, and it was bad enough the mortician said to have long sleeve shirts put on him in the casket.
As like most men, he never bruised if you hit him with a tree, this is significant. I have mentioned that he also had low sodium levels, and this is what they thought made him pass out. Low sodium is a symptom of the vax, and in looking up the data, low sodium is related to leukemia.
I'm starting to see patterns in this.

Nov 19, 2020 ... ALL: acute lymphoblastic leukemia, ATRA: all trans retinoic acid, ... Low serum sodium concentration in the context of an infection may be a ...

The incidence of severe hyponatremia, defined as serum sodium levels below 130 ... of overt central nervous system leukemia (CNS3) at diagnosis (P=0.005).

Serum sodium level is considered low when it reaches below 135 mEq/liter. Hyponatremia is the most common electrolyte abnormality observed in cancer patients.

I do intend to post more on this strange relation of necessary body elements and metals being depleted by this vax, but in this article the conclusion is while yes my brother was full of cancer as numbers of vaxed people have been diagnosed, it is starting to fit that he went down like a rock, it was fast, and in the myriad of things that struck him in this vax murder, the reality is, it appears he took the booster, was made ill enough that when he returned to work, he decided to take off for an extended time. His co workers noted he was ashed complected too. Exactly as others who posted of family and friends dying, he was dead in a two week period.

I realize in the data that this vax inhibits the cancer suppression genes in the body so people develop cancer quickly. Jeff Rense has called them super cancers which they are not. What this data is showing though is this vax has something or things in it, which puts cancer into overdrive in assisting cancer, enhancing cancer, like pouring gas on a flame. This is more than suppressing cancer inhibitors.  This is something or some things which assists cancer in it's replication.  The original spike protein, remote viewer, Dick Allgire stated liked sugar. Cancers love sugar. 

It is a fact that this vax was designed to allow super replication of the synthetic prion to spread it in the body. I'm wondering now if the cancers in the body which are a virus in a bacteria soup which is acidic, have taken into them an mRNA for a super replication. Whether this is by design or this enhancement mutated in the body, is a fact by the rapid taking over of the body by cancers in the vaxed.

So could Jeff Rense be correct that there are super cancers?  I would not project that as this is only in the vaxed which this is primarily taking place. As of the past decades fast acting cancers have appeared, which even were fueled by chemo and interferon, which my Beloved Uncle was killed by. His doctor was stunned when he studied the brain x ray, and stated, "It is as if the chemo fed the cancer as it is everywhere". Yes testing has been taking place for sometime on humans to get us to this point.
I would term this more as you have a normal car engine and the vax puts a turbo charger on it. The vax cancers have a turbo charger on them which is extinguishing life at record speeds.

I have not enough data to project if people who had the bioweapon are affected more, less or the same as those who just took the vax. The reason would be to ascertain the "Foreign object" which humans are who have spike protein immunity to this synthetic prion evolving humans.

My brother was in a group of vaxed who I have never witnessed this kind of damage to a human body and so fast in killing it in so many ways. If my projection is correct, the fast replication feature of the mRNA for the prion, is plugging into cancers and destroying life like a humanicide.

The data will set even more patterns, and it is going to be put to benefit in my brother being vax murdered as I would not have has first hand knowledge of the medical situation of strangers to make projections on what this vax is engaged in, in human bodies.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
