Friday, December 17, 2021

The Story of Rancid Ass



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I do not in any way mean to make this a competition, but you can decide if any of your relatives are as rancid ass as this one.

As you know who are in the Lame Cherry family,  TL and I keep watch over what is the family farm that our ancestors lived on. The cousin who owns it is a wonderful person. She is understanding, listens to what needs to be done and makes decisions, never second guesses and expects me to do a whole lot of things on my own initiative. My main focus is for her family to have a secure place in case something happens and to protect the place.

She made a mistake in she put her sibling on the deed to this place. As golden as she is, he is a pile of mouldy witch shit of rotten mice. I know this seems impossible but decide with the evidence.

So my brother dies. I'm a bit with our family overwhelmed with the event and my job is to be the surrogate parent to his children so assure them what they are doing is right.

Who blows into town, but the infamous Big Hoss. He enters the Church, says not one word to me, goes over to TL and whines about his great accomplishment in getting up in the night to make the trip and he is gone.

No condolences, no viewing the body, no nothing, because he is not here for the funeral as the funeral is cover for other things he has planned.

So we are at the funeral, at the grave, and I notice he is huddled with the riff raff that showed up. Riff Raff is named Bojo, and one of his achievements was insurance fraud, taking advantage of an old woman who was a relative, and leaving her lay in her own shit to die for a week, so his doper friend could steal the place. They got caught and if the son of the insurance agent was not such a big shot, they all would have went to jail.

Yes that is very rancid ass.

In the meantime, Hoss leaves. I'm glad as I do not want to deal with him. My brothers children decided they want to spend time with me and go out for supper, as they have had a hellish week, so we go.

I figure Hoss has gone back to the pasture he shits in, but when we drive by to check.........the padlocked gate is open. The house is all lit up. As we have the keys and he never asked for them, I'm wondering what the hell is going on..........even if I know he broke into the place but I alert his golden sister and wait for directions in what to do.

As you know the vax has prions and shedders. We have taken a great deal of effort to keep everyone out of the house and off the place. So what does Hoss do? He buys a case of beer and invites over Riff Raff and other shedders, polluting the house and property for the sister. So now there is not a bug out place and I will probably have to bleach spray the place down as Hoss has turned it into Wuhan China.

His next great feat is to notice there are security cameras which stop him in his tracks. Within the hour of that photo snapped in his shock.........the cameras all turn off.

But it gets better in Hoss on the first day of his breaking and entering, phones up her sister being an asshole demanding where the key is. She said we had it but he had no intention of ever asking me. Instead he hangs up on which time I find a camera photo of him already on the place over four hours earlier. So he is asking for the key after he has already broken in.

As near as I can tell his breaking and entering tools which were not necessary as all he had to do was ask for the key was a tire iron to the door and later a bolt cutter to the padlock chain on the gate.

So in review we invested over a year of our lives to keep a place clean and to keep the shit off of the place. In a day, Hoss has destroyed all of that and as a trump card, he invited the dope heads on the place so they got into the house, and saw where the wifi and the cameras all were.

As a parting gift, the door cam is completely offline, so the place is wide open to being robbed, which I suspect may be on the agenda as his rancid ass party buddies are prone to that.

In the end, I wonder what lowest level of hell there is to use a funeral and family grief as cover, to be this kind of asshole. Cover for probably trying to get me off the place as he has a real mental problem in he is now trying to be his dead daddy in driving around in dead daddy's pick up and trying to be our popular Uncle...........going so far as buying a boat when he does not fish, but Uncle did with a passion.

So that is the story of rancid ass and I doubt any of you can top this one.

It is just so loathsome and nasty. It is like Pedo Joe fondling kids in public as dictator when the democrats trust him. It is the kind of sin, you just know that God has some special Judgment for this kind of heartless and cruel series of acts.

Once again, I will probably have to clean up the pile of shit that Hoss left as I have done this previously when he was not minding his daddy, who just thought Hoss walked on water, when in reality, Hoss is not that bright and nothing to be bragged about.  His dad had kids not fathered by him as that was a real dysfunctional family, but I will say those kids surpass Hoss, but then one reason is they were not around Hoss or his daddy, but were raised by his sister who is a wonderful person.

That is about it in this humiliating saga of another 10 gallon pile of shit by a 20 gallon shit head named Big Hoss
