As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Ukraine propaganda machine released some nonsense that Russia would attack by February 2022 AD in the year of our Lord and could smash to the Dneiper River with only 100, 000 troops.
The Lame Cherry assessment of this is a bit different.
Ok so reviewing what Ukraine is and what NATO is, the Russian Federation would obliterate Ukraine's Nazis with 10,000 troops. If you look at this map, I will explain.
OK so let us keep this simple.
Russians in Crimea voted to be Russia, so they are. Russia puts a great deal of resources into Crimea to control the Black Sea and for the sea landing in Odessa in the south, where mechanized artillery move along the Moldova border to link up with Russian columns driving south, All secures the NATO border.
There, they set up Sam 400 missile batteries to obliterate NATO air power.
In the meantime, Russian paratroopers seize Kiev. When you have a piss ass nothing nation, you take the capitol and with the head off, the game is over.
The main order of battle beyond the above distractions is massive volleys of artillery, rocket and bomber salvos which would obliterate the Ukraine army. That little red arrow coming out of the Russian Federation is a mechanized tank column. It is meant to draw in what is the Ukraine military, and once exposed, it would be obliterated by air power.
One does not kill Ukraine mechanized in their bases, as that would leave the troops scattered around shooting at things and causing problems. No get them enclosed and moving. Then kill them.
OK that is how Russia takes Ukraine. The Russians jump past the Dneiper and use the river as a confinement area to kill the Ukraine military, cut off from NATO. It does not matter if it is General Sherman or General Patton, war does not change. You grab the enemy by the head and then beat them to death by kicking their ass.
You only take on an enemy's front or allow a natural barrier to remain in front of your army, if you want to waste your military and lose a war.
As the United States is in bed with John the hero McCain's Ukraine Nazis via British MI6, the Ukraine and NATO battle plan will have America lose this war.
Russia does not get baited out beyond their landscape and they will hold this territory.
Nuff Said