Monday, December 13, 2021

Walking through the Blog one Eve


Oh wow there is a little disclaimer that says,
"Should not be used by hybrids".

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As President nominee of the Necrosapiens, I was given notice today that another of the posts here was placed into limbo. I of course can appeal, but the thing is, I'm not violating any rules in what the posts are.

There is a pattern though which has emerged and it is something which deals with what this blog has exclusively been noting, which is beyond the mental understanding of most of you. The subject which the posts were mentioning was the internal conflict of the "greys" who are reptilian creations, who were crossed to make hybrids and the 1% or the immortals, who took the knowledge from the library and are not willing to bow to satan and satan is not going to bow to them.

This all is centered on a certain website which has been mentioned here, and certain expert featured on that website, whose information is providing projections in what the concerns are from the greys in what is in the serums and that means the greys have put things in the serums and the immortals have put things into the serums, both to corrupt what their version of the serum is designed to deploy.

Do a quick looks at this edited version with the names changed.

As this blog has reported, there appears in what XXXX his expert XXXXXX seem fixated upon while smearing those who found the creatures in the XXX, in XXXXXXXX  a conflict has erupted between the immortal humans and the demonics. XXXXX was fixated on gut bacteria. It is projected by this that the XXXX group is Grey oriented and the Greys had moved to supplant the 1%'s agenda by including this critter which would convert the prion platform to a different sort of immortal that satan could control, and the 1% could not. In return, the 1% had been engaged in their own backstabbing in releasing a biological weaponized bacteria to kill off the hy brids.

One must understand that the data projects that these two groups are both liars, murderers and rapists, intent on possessing humanity, in supplanting God. They have both lied to each other and in turn moved to overthrow the other's plans. The 1% immortals have no intention on serving satan and satan has no intention of creating a race of gods who will supplant it.

If the above is satire, what does it matter/ If the above is the writings of a loon, then what does it matter? If this is not real, then what does it matter as everyone will roll their eyes.

This is the content which is drawing attention. and it all has to do with the underworkings of the serum. In two previous posts, this blog was refuting what was in other's PDF files and producing a logical narrative on the serums. 

This blog never attacked anyone. This blog did not change content. This blog did not simply reported what was taking place in the sniping of others at each other and pointing out who these different platforms are serving. 

As stated if this bogus, why would it matter as the facts would refute it and no one listens to this private conversation anyway. It does matter though to someone and some group, as this content is being removed whenever it mentions this underlying conflict involving this serum.

Nuff Said

