Monday, December 13, 2021

The Expiration Date


Oh this only expired when Reagan was President,
I can either trade it for a bag of gold or a Mexican to hoe my garden for life

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Today TL was throwing out some gram crackers which had some critters in them, being 3 years old, and being I have not made cheesecake in about that long, as I no longer care for piles of sweet things anymore.

The Holy Ghost said to me though, "Don't throw them away, as you can trade them",

Now why would you think you could trade bug food? I have told you that George and Libby Custer at the train depot in what is now North Dakota, would butter their bread with rancid butter, and put another piece on top just to cover up the rancid butter.

You have no idea what your Grandparents routinely ate back in the day. I remember stories of bacon in Texas, in a spring water cooler, having worms in it, and you just carved that part off and ate the rest.

Southerners survived by eating greens and pork fat as that is all they had. Goddamn pork rinds and peanut butter are about starving Americans.

I'm going to tell you something which is not going to make sense in all your programming in what is healthy and what is not. Yes you need protein, whether it is legumes or meat, but as Francis Parkman stated out on the Great Plains, "You got bread hungry". All those vegetarians in these civilized times do not know jack or shit about what it takes to live. The Southerner was a great deal closer to what it takes just like the Germans were in their Scrapple. You need to either combine starch with fat or greens with fat. YOU NEED FAT, FAT and more FAT. That is why when they began killing people off, they had you stop eating eggs, bacon, sugar, cheese, dairy and fat. That is what with starches and greens makes humans live.

The Irish lived on potatoes and milk. The Germans lived on oatmeal, hog liver and heart, with tongue and head and all that glorious pork fat. The Davy Crockett Americans ate parched corn and bear meat which is just like pork.

You are going to find this out in what is coming.

Now for the poor people remedy which the crackers with meal worms in them. You prepare in your starches, bouillon and spices with beans to get your daily bread to survive. YOU DO NOT TRADE YOUR GOOD STUFF. That Stefan Verstapen on Rense is a good source of material, but no one has written of this Holy Ghost Inspired Lame Cherry exclusive. You poor people go out and start scrounging in dumpsters, probably with permission. Tell whoever that you got a dog and am looking for food scraps. You don't ever tell them you are gaining a supply of expired rations to trade to people. I'm telling you that Marilyn Monroe is going to sell her pussy for a package of meal bore crackers. People around the world have been eating American shit coming out of GI Soldiers in Vietnam, and hungry people are going to do the same. This is your barter material as you will get sacks of gold and silver for this shit. It can not go bad as it is already bad.  Look for cans of food thrown out, as long as they are not bulging, they are fine for trade. What is now of zero value and every rich person is wrinkling their noses up over, you dear child of mine, start stacking that shit up. I can tell you that the more the prices rise, the more this shit will appear and you just keep stacking it on a wall in your trailer or your garage. Cover it up with a blanket and call it dog food if you are stupid enough to have anyone see your stash.

I can tell you that the dog food in a cheap brand that we feed our indoor cat, has disappeared. It is meat chunks and I know that is going into people food now, and not cats. It tastes like Dinty Moore beef and chicken, sort of burned, but people are eating this stuff already. So if you are a mind of investing in pet food in meat chucks, mark them with a marker, take the label off and wait for when meat is a bag of gold for a can of mystery meat that you swear is just like Prego.

I know people say get beer or booze. Yeah drunk people tend to happier deals until they sober up, but you start picking up things that will keep, and you use that as your barter base, and you will be surprised in the not to distant future what a package of crackers is worth. I would not throw it away, but just know that chips and cookies, all have oil in them, and they go rancid after about a year. Doritos are notorious for tasting like something you do not want to eat in 6 months and like fuel in 12. Granted all is food and for trade and welcome to starving people, but do not throw out expired canned for boxed food. Does not matter if the worms are in it, as what you cringe at the thought of now, are the things that people ate.

I remember my dad talking as a child, digging bacon out of the grain bin, and carving off the worms before they started threshing grain. Civil War Soldiers would boil their hardtack and as the worms floated to the top, they skimmed them off and ate their coffee flour soup for breakfast.

You keep the good things for yourself and you leave the worm stuff for trade as there is always going to be a trade as people will say, "Oh my god, I have not seen pop tarts since 2021. I loved them as a kid..........yeah I will trade my Grandmother's diamond ring for it and that chainsaw. ATV and Mercedes as I don't have the gas for it"..........but you do have the gas as you prepared.

Oh, one more thing. Peanut Butter came up here a while back and is current as I'm typing this in November. It does go bad and taste old, at least Peter Pan does. I mean it will keep for a few years, and maybe that is good for you. I think we used to have some name brand shit when I was a kid that sat in the bottom of the cupboard for ten years and was good, but just remember that most oils will go rancid in time. Again it is still food, and starving people will gobble it up like a coyote, but do not expect if you love peanut butter to have it last forever.

With that I will close on this Lame Cherry multi million dollar tip in matter anti matter, and when you see people dumpster diving and repeating this, you will know this is another stolen exclusive of this blog.

Oh and stop throwing away all your plastic and glass containers. They will be worth gold when people find out that all they have is the hand they wiped their ass with to drink water from.

Nuff Said

