I'm not vax symptomatic.
I'm just fat, old and ugly on my own.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Since writing about the Vax Phat which published yesterday, I have been working on this serum situation and inflamed fat cells and the antigens in cells inflaming.
I shared the information on December 16th with a physician, and she returned with this note, as she had been seeing lots of plumpers in weight gain, but like me had just dismissed it because people got depressed and worried, and put on the feed bag.
That is not the case and this is something which is appearing all across the United States, which took the Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson and Johnson serums.
Fat has not any nerve endings so you do not feel pain, Joints are another matter as a little fluid in a joint is allot of pain. This prion is affecting blood lining tissues, the fat tissues, the connective joint tissues, heart muscles and as the brain is fat, this may indicate why personality changes have taken place as he brain is swelling, swelling to give strokes, but the brain is not swelling normally. This would indicate that this is micro swelling in the brain in shutting off the blood supply.
I have been seeing ALOT of weight gain, thought it was depression related
mostly SWELLING and inflammation (joint) and persistent low energy
The labs are not being checked and imagine how many people would be SHOCKED to see their own blood dysfunction post vax
The flu vaccine this year is like no other as well
There does seem to be a limit to how much fluid a fat cell can retain. Meaning people are not bloating up bigger, They are just getting this swelled look and remaining static for months.
I had a bitchy teacher I knew harangue me in the market about getting the vax as it was the thing to do. He was a real prick about it and upset, but this is one of those fat heads I described like my nephew. They have a type in they look like a balloon blown up and have this shine to their skin as much as they all kind of waddle when they walk.
The fatigue seems to follow everyone around who was vaxed. I'm still puzzled in how the symptoms are so diverse and so numerous, in just these few vaxes.
Group 1 seems to look drawn, and age, they have a more sharp personality.
Group 2 gains body sizes. They have a more happiness about them for not reason.
Group 3 has immune problems and seems to be more in a clotting group.
Whatever else is out there is more of a Group 4 of odd symptoms, from being less outgoing, behavior changes and rapid death.
I'm witnessing all of this in people I know and have been observing. My twin nephews should be the same DNA, but one is fat the other looks like the famine. They were changed so much in 3 years that I did not recognize them.
I simply will not have the answers in this, until people either recover or degrade more. Frankly the trend I have been seeing is people are degrading. The first onset reported here in obituaries having people 20 to 50 years old dropping dead at home has abated. What took place in that first wave is not progressing. At this point I have no idea why it stopped, unless again, this was the group which had immunity from the virus as the vax was death to numbers of them.
The research continues on.
Nuff Said