Wednesday, December 22, 2021

The Pentagon Vax: Iron Man


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I'm going to admit something in this post which all the glory whores will not, and that is, I really have no idea what the secret Walter Reed, Pentagon serum is to cure everything from Covid, to SARS to it sounds like flu and the common cold.

They have been working on this most of this year, conducting animal studies and moving onto humans and coming vaxed humans.

The Army began working on the Spike Ferritin Nanoparticle COVID-19 vaccine (SpFN) in early 2020, with a final release date likely to emerge whenever the Army submits its trial results to the Food and Drug Administration. It also remains unclear whether SpFN will be a single or multiple-shot vaccine. 

From the beginning, they worked to create a vaccine that would protect against all existing and potential variants of the viruses. 

Dr. Kayvon Modjarrad, director of Walter Reed’s infectious diseases branch, confirmed to Defense One that Phase 1 successfully finished earlier this month testing against Omicron and other existing variants. ‘With Omicron, there’s no way really to escape this virus. You’re not going to be able to avoid it. So I think pretty soon either the whole world will be vaccinated or have been infected,’ Modjarrad said.

Omicron spreads three to five times as fast as the Delta variant, scientists estimate. Preliminary data suggests that, while more infectious, Omicron is far less likely to cause severe illness than the previous dominant strain, Delta.

Results showed that the SpFN vaccine creates both a strong immune response and broad protection against multiple COVID and SARS variants. 

What I can inform you of is the name SpFN, is an acronym for Spike Protein Ferritin Nanoparticle. The Ferratin is a protein iron structure inside cells. Meaning this base structure to all life forms is what the Army chose as the delivery system for this serum on the mRNA level.

While the Johnson and Johnson, Chinavax, Sputnik, Moderna and Pfizer all chose either dead Adenovirus carriers or potion structures like graphene to speed up the prion replication in the body, what the Army has chosen is the cells that regulate iron, to either kill you or kill you if they are not doing their job.

I know I covered this iron link long ago in this blog as the early deaths of the Coronavirus Wuhan when people were getting diarrhea all resembled iron poisoning and this blog broke that story.

What we have is a biological weapon, advanced in Wuhan China and spread with willing globalists across the world by the PLA. Now secretly the Pentagon has been creating a vax which all these other gene therapy serums could not come up with, funded by Donald Trump's billions in taxpayer debt.

The massive injuries and deaths by the vax using different mRNA platforms makes this suspect that the Pentagon appears late on the scene with a cure all, when the Pentagon is best at injecting the serum of 155 Howitzers to demolish cities and people.

In human ferritin, introns are present between amino acid residues 14 and 15, 34 and 35, and 82 and 83; in addition, there are one to two hundred untranslated bases at either end of the combined exons.[8] The tyrosine residue at amino acid position 27 is thought to be associated with biomineralization

In my reasoning, these biological weapons all have a cure, or they would not be released for study, but  the cures never come. Fort Dettrick probably had some form of treatment in this arena for these types of prions, but never espoused them as this is a military secret involving national security.

As the NSA and DIA have been behind the jerking around of the American People in the overthrowing of elections and installing stooges, my suspicions are that the "big picture" was what the war gamers were planning for. The idea is for Russia and China to be goaded out of Eurasia to attack the United States and it's worthless allies for a global war. Russian and China would not do this as they would be defeated, so America handed them technology and has been purging the ranks of the people who can fight for the wokesters. Friction points in Ukraine and Taiwan have been developed, and the vax is making the Eurasian militant and the Europeans and Americans docile zombies.
The perfect bait for war has been issued, and now on the eve of 2022 AD in the year of our Lord, the Pentagon has a wonder cure, which only America has to inject into it's fighters for the purpose of immunity. Thus the Iron Man Vaccine was born.

A SARS-CoV-2 nanoparticle vaccine was designed and administered to NHPs.

The spike ferritin nanoparticle (SpFN) vaccine was designed as a ferritin-fusion recombinant protein for expression as a nanoparticle, and has been described in detail previously (20). Briefly, the spike protein sequence was derived from the Wuhan-Hu-1 genome sequence (GenBank accession number: MN908947.3). The spike protein ectodomain was modified to introduce two proline residues (K986P, V987P) and removal of the furin cleavage site (RRAS to GSAS), as previously described (16). To stabilize spike protein trimer formation on the ferritin molecule, the heptad repeat between stem hinge 1 and 2 region (residues 1140 – 1161) was mutated to increase the coiled coil interactions. An adjuvant, Army Liposome Formulation containing QS21 (ALFQ), was mixed with the SpFN vaccine at room temperature and administered to animals within four hours of mixing. Briefly, ALFQ is a liposome formulation comprising saturated phospholipids, dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine (DMPC) and dimyristoyl phosphatidylglycerol (DMPG); cholesterol, and two adjuvants, synthetic monophosphoryl lipid A (3D- PHAD) (200 μg/dose) and QS-21 (100 μg/dose) in a molar ratio of 9:1:12.2:0.114:0.044 (22). QS-21 is a triterpenoid glycoside saponin derived from the bark of the Quillaja saponaria (soap bark) tree, found in Chile. QS-21 binds irreversibly to cholesterol in the liposomes and abrogates the toxicity seen with free QS-21 

This is what they mutated in natural ferritin.


Ferritin looks like little iron shavings which it is.

So the iron was engineered to be more effective to bind itself to cells. The carrier in this like the other vaxes supercharges this, but the ALF of the military is different than the civilian carriers. It is super charges the immune system though.

ALF consists of liposomes containing saturated phospholipids, cholesterol, and monophosphoryl lipid A (MPLA) as an immunostimulant. ALF exhibited safety and strong potency in many vaccine clinical trials. Improvements based on ALF include: ALF adsorbed to aluminum hydroxide (ALFA); ALF containing the QS21 saponin (ALFQ); and ALFQ adsorbed to aluminum hydroxide (ALFQA).


I would not allow this serum to be injected into me any more than the other serums, which have proven more nefarious in what is included in those units from suppressing cancer inhibitors to enhanced electro magnetic resonance.

The question in this is, the projection of why the Pentagon is going public with this genetic coding based in iron regulation in the body.

In studying the groups and the way blogger has pulled certain posts, the indications are there were two main groups, the 1% immortals and the Grey scale hybrids, with a practicing group who have been running a fail safe, in releasing the immunity strain and protecting a breeder group as they have concluded that all of this synforming is not going to produce the result which this was imitated for.

It does not help in this biowar that the two groups are sabotaging the others platform to fix their own dominance. 

Now has entered this arena the Pentagon which has been making deals with the devil, guided by Nazi portals, remote viewing and demon tech. The Pentagon with it's wizards has been succored by both sides for their advancement.  None of this is unknown to the two groups and it is logical both will utilize what the military is bringing to the field. It may be the Pentagon is just the next phase.

Iron Man is assessed to not be compatible with the Synforms which is based on another evolution of the human body as a synthetic form.

It is too recent without enough information to make accurate assessments. Watch if the two groups attack Iron Man as a reality or a diversion.  That will provide operational intelligence for another phase of the analysis. 

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The original, official "Iron Man" music videoFacebook: ...

Nuff Said

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