Monday, January 31, 2022


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I appreciate the insights of Joel Skoursen, but his arrogance gets in the way of facts a great deal of the time. His World Affairs Brief this Friday is studying data which reveals that J & J, Moderna and Pfizer all had a 5% harm ratio on those who were injected.

I doubt that number, but working on that base, at 100 million Americans vaxed, that would be 5 million dying or in dire straights. That on a global scale would be in 5 billion people, 250 million dead.

I personally have witnessed a higher rate than Skoursen's Morman math is based. I published what Bob shared in local numbers in Missouri, again that is a Reagan Blue State which Skoursen says was targeted so more people were harmed in those states than others,  but those numbers matched my numbers and the projections revealed a rate which has proven out in millions dead and tens of millions harmed.

Skoursen does not mention the people who are not dead but affected from inflamed fat cells, aging, personality change, blood clots etc... Short term medical problems and long term death is a reality. My "blood clot boy" was chipping snow today from a sidewalk. He looks fine after being on blood thinners, so we do not know if treading water and recovery is a possibility in the vaxed who contracted the bioweapon virus.

5 million Americans dead, and 25 million incapacitated is 30 million Americans, who are being erased and replaced with the Biden foreign vermin. While this blog stated before anyone, including Skoursen that everyone is not walking dead with this vax as this vax is a synthetic evolution of humanity in mRNA restructuring. 

Skoursen also states this vax is not going away, even with war. The fact is that this Covid disappeared the time that Donald Trump's billions ran out. If there is not money to fund this for vaxes and treatments in hospitals to kill people, then no one is going to be making vaxes for free. The vax will go away because the money is gone.
Ukraine is a diversion. Those who are fixated on a Russia liberation of Ukraine, have missed the Putin big picture and have not paid attention to Gerald Celente's, trending that Climate Change is coming back.

Gaining control over the global economy, meaning land and energy, with the mechanism to care for people is the medium by which this is driven. The bioweapon allowed the cover for the cracking of the system, stressing the inflation rate in spending, and the removal of rights. It can not gain control of property. War with Russia can not accomplish this either. War with Russia and China is meant to neutralize the 3 powers along with Islam, so the cartel can rule the ashes on the spoils of the Eurasians and Americans. Control though centers on Carbon and Crypto.  The money supply must be controlled and that is controlled by carbon taxing.

Nuclear war in the United States will never be allowed in the interior with cobalt or plutonium bombs. That would negate the cartel's plot to make America a park for the 1% to loll around upon.

What is taking place in this immediate season is the erasure of the Protestant Christian and that is equally shared by the Jesuit and Mormon Mason, as both orders are joined as the cults of the cartel in their Shabbatai Zvi false messiah complex.

If you lose site of the projections, then you are keyholed into the illusion of the cartel. When you play chess, you do not pull a grenade pin and set it on the board and blow up the pieces and the board, and declare you have won. Nom de Deus, if they wanted everyone dead, it would have been done. This is management of created crisis for purpose. The Bible says in time that this spirals out of control, but at this juncture, the managed chaos is orderly for the purposes intended.

This blog will reveal something which it hinted at as the time window is approaching. There will not be an EMP connected with this. There is something else though in hardware parts neutralized by software. An EMP starts a world war which is not needed yet. What fits into this is more of those in the shadows in what is happening being the curtain. These Guciffers were blamed for events which they did not have a part in. That is the way this will evolve. The glow worms that vanish are how the police state initiates and hides it's Jan6 operations.

I will leave this short so it is absorbed by the reader, but you have to stop fighting the last war or resisting the last operation. Conclusions of the past are now inaccurate for projections as Clif High discovered in his algorithms.

When you are being shown the vax and Ukraine, you should have the sense to start looking elsewhere or you would not be shown the vax or the war. 

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
