Monday, January 31, 2022

The White Priv Jew


Don't try to scam me biotch, you is a White Priv Jew named Joy Behar.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I honestly do try and understand wokeism, so when Whoopie Goldberg says the Holocaust was White People doing it to White People, I take a step back and contemplate what her wokeism is saying.

What Whoopie appears to be saying is Jews are White Supremacists.. Jews are successful have privilege, and that means Joy Behar and whoever else is as Ashkenaz Jew is a White Priv.

I prefer to base examinations on genetics when genetics are being discussed.

The modern Jew is dominated by the Ashkenaz Asian. These are converts to Jewry and are knows as the European Jew, having white skin and blue eyes. Think of Christophobes Karl and Rob Reiner.

The named Caucasian means an Asian from the Caucusus Mountain region who happened to be White.

This is a bit complex as all of this goes back to Noah in his 3 sons, Japheth, Shem and Ham. Japheth is comprised a great deal of the Slavic Russian and peoples of the Caspian region with execptions.

Shem, is Semite, that does not mean "Jews" as Ashkenaz are Japheth fathered. That is one of the great untruths in this anti Semitism.

The fact is  Arabs are Semites. Persians are Semites. Germans are Semites, all the 13 tribes of Israel which America and most western Europeans are Semite.

The remainder of the world are Hamite. They were most prolific in the Asia and African Peoples.

So it would seem that Whoopie Goldberg is apparently correct that it was White one White genocide, up to a point as it the Nazi were Socialist and while they focused on genetics, the Jews they had problems with were Henry Ford's International Jews or Communists.. These Ashkenaz Jews were calling for the genocide of the German People. Adolf Hitler simply looked at reality in Germans could not survive without lands to expand into, as the United States, England, France, Japan had conducted for their expansion. Heir Hitler looked at historical necessity and looked at Germans as a more advanced species of humans due to social successes, and Slavs as a less successful people. Germans like any superior genus would then through breeding and invention out produce in conquest Russians, the same as Americans out produced the Asian American Indian.

Jews attempted the same expansion in using laws against nations to criminalize those peoples to gain control and also bankrupt those peoples to enslave them through banking.

The German method of war was overt. The Ashkenaz method was covert.

A full understanding of this is necessary for you to make the decision on if Whoopie Goldberg is correct, ignorant or part of both.

What the Nazi was focused on, was a melding of genetics which were inferior, ideologies which were a cancer on society. 

Genetics were the mentally retarded and other groups which carried genetic diseases. Ideologies included Lutherans, homosexuals and communists. To focus on Jews and Gypsies in equal terms as genetics is incorrect, as Jews served in the German system openly. The Jews was a communist, in two groups of the elders in banking and education, an the ghetto Jew. The ghetto Jew was bartered as a labor force by the elders.

In examining these minds on The View, the conclusion is they have a shallow comprehension of what the entire history was. A little understanding is a dangerous thing. Is it a dangerous thing to define the ADL Jew and the Jews of Southern Poverty Law Center as White Priv? it is incorrect because the Ashkenaz Jew dominates by manipulating the system to their use and then using the system against those they seek to overtake. The Ashkenaz Jew is the greater source for the White Priv propaganda to be used against Christian Protestants to their erasure. In this Whoopie Goldbert is correct in this White on White conflict, but it is segmented as it does not include Catholics, leftists, homosexuals or pedophiles on the Jewish side. On the Protestant side, they are turning the other cheek and being erased by Jan6 criminalizing and erased in being replaced by foreign vermin.

It is ignorance of Whoopie Goldberg and the ethnic genders on The View to think that they are just going to inherit the earth. The Black under Obama was destined to be replaced by the Muslim and Mexican in being superior in work and violence. Once the evolution of this is complete, these low DNA Latin and Muslim will be eliminated too by robotics and preferred trophy Whites.

History has played out over and over that once the woke complete their takeovers, their first targets are competitor wokesters in a  purge. France, China, Cambodia, Vietnam, Iran, North Korea all slaughtered their own ideological comrades. In Afghanistan Muslims are now killing off Muslims not like them. Whoopie Goldberg and The View genders will face this same sentence once the waking of America is complete.

The framework of majority governance and minority protections have been voided in the United States by a woke political movement. What has been created is a woke preference system by violence and purge, and it has caused the Protestant Christian to abandon the system which needs this group for the Woke Goldbergs to keep their position.

You now have more information which The View will never have. That is by design so that the 1% ruling Jews will offer up the exposed Jews as the White Priv to be dealt with.

The problem with this is, is this distraction is not going to last as long as it requires to contemplate it.

Nuff Said

