Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Such a sad Kittyland


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In checking news stories in the UK, I'm often at a loss at the "celebrities" on the right hand column. I don't know who 70% of them are. Life was much easier when you had just one Black, one Jewish and a dozen White People as celebrities. I remember looking at Photo Play, which was celeb porn back in the stone ages, and they basically had fat old Elizabeth Taylor on every cover saying who she was getting porked by and then they would throw in the Bionic Woman once in while as everyone was attracted to Lindsey Wagner. 
It was like you had Ginger and MaryAnn on Gilligan's Island and the Black chic on Star Trek, who you wanted to boink. After that it was cartoon characters.

I have been seeing lots of headlines talking about Joe Rogan and I just read Spotify is where he is on. I have no idea what Spotify is, but I think I saw this Rogan interviewing that guy from Area 51 and that was interesting. Rogan looks like he gets out of bed, does his show then goes to bed with a case of beer and pretzels until the next show.

Then I see this Dan Bongino guy and he is talking about this crazy cat lady who wants him cancelled. I think this Bongino is a some Sean Homo Hannity guy who was really boring.  I wonder who these people are and how a cat woman can cancel people.

So I looked up this woman, and I forget her name.......let me see if I can find her name. Claire Atkin, she seems to be a Canadian thought police babe who fact checks or ad checks people. She has some other woman with her, but we never find out what really matters, in, are these women lesbians, and why not, and are they having strap on sex in their business, and if not, why in White Priv are they not woke in having woke sex and posting pictures like Demi Moore with her fat prego but on display, making people cringe.

What bothers me is what is wrong with Claire. In the top photo, she is a real babe. You know you are a hot babe if you can not wear make up, look like you have not bathed for days, have cat lick all over you, and you still make boner wood on men who have no access to Rush Limbaugh Viagra and have been jacking off for a week. This woman is just Jen Psaki gorgeous, but she would displace Jen as the second most beautiful woman in DC if only she would go there and be gorgeous. 

My fear is though that Claire has cancer or some cat disease that looks like cancer as you see how hot she is. I mean if she had cancer you still would as a lesbian want to have strap on sex as she is that hot. The reason I fear this is just look at the butch hair pose in she is skinny, and looks like a different woman from the thin size 2 she was. 

Her partner in this is someone with some weird ass name like Janinmimah Prudyhoe. I really do not care about her as she just as large comforting breasts. I know I advocate large comforting breasts often, but when you have someone like Claire on the roster, she is the comfort zone. That is obvious as cats love to cuddle up with her and purr.

I know we were talking about cancer and that is important in most cases, but in this case we are dealing with lesbians or closet lesbians, one a size eight with large comforting breasts and one a size 2 who is so comforting that she does not need large breasts.

I don't know why if you are lesbian, have cancer, have cats, that you care about what some Rush Limbaugh fill in penis is talking about. Same with this Rogan. Is Joe Rogan a relative of Seth Rogan and why do both of these men not come out of the closet in being fagsexuals. Why have they not joined women's sports so they can take showers with women who do not shave body hair and smell like men?

I think lesbians should make a point of only partnering with like ranked lesbians. Like Claire is like an 8 on a bad day and her partner is like not ever going to be an 8 on a good day. Elton John married a like numbers male. So did that Pete Buttplug who is starving babies to death in America as he and his penis pard both are the same short, stupid looking males. People do so much better when they stay in their attractive group. It is why advocated that Homeland Security only send attractive agents to attractive people and get ugly FBI agents to interview ugly people. Just what does Homeland do with someone like Claire? I mean she is off the charts and her partner is not off the charts. How do you send out agents when you have two different sets of attractive? Federal Agents have a hard enough time without having to deal with an ordeal like that.

Claire is obviously a clean lesbian. You see her house in the first photo has that new scent look. No dirty feet in the porn videos for her as you could eat off her floors. Probably eat off her cats too as clean is next to Claireness.

That other gal just looks like she has tofu in the fridge that is near the expiration date and you don't want to eat it as you know she left it in the car running errands on a hot day.

Social Justice Warriors on their Social Media Scores need to have a points system to identify them to their like kind. Claire needs a nice rainbow to alert all of us she is a lezbo and maybe coming out of the closet is she is has not told her cats yet.

Here is a 2013 photo of Claire with some gender White Priv in Canada. She seems too friendly to be a lesbian in the closet here.  That is the problem in this in these celebrities now are so unknown that you don't know what you are dealing with. It is not enough if you are just wanting people on the right banned as everyone wants them banned. Director Wray of the FBI wants them banned and he is probably not a lesbian.

Oh I better post that photo as I contemplate how much better the world would be without disinformation. We have never had a world like that as Jews knocked off a right winger in Jesus with lies after he went after the money men. I just have not seen anything getting better in this world in kicking all these people on the right off social media and hunting them down. Seems like things have just gotten worse. Look at Claire. She was a hot lesbian not that long ago and now after the bans, she looks like she has cancer.

It is such a sad cat world.

Why can't we all be perfect like Canadians.

Nuff Said
