Thursday, February 24, 2022

Turning Ukraine into Finland

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Vladimir Putin attack upon Ukraine is the first mistake that Mr. Putin has made on the global stage in his decades of leadership.  For the first time by cartel design. President Putin has played into the Great Game and has placed Russia in jeopardy.

All is interconnected in this and why Dictator Biden was grinning like the cat who swallowed the canary when asked by FOX News if he had underestimated Vladimir Putin. Dictator Biden wanted this invasion, for one reason, Dictator Biden had just signed a deal with Gov. Newsom of California to toxic mine elements in California for Biden electric cars in his communist cronies. Like Obama driving up gas and electric prices for his cronies, Biden knows Ukraine in Biden having shut down US oil production will spike gas prices, making your cars unaffordable to drive, which will make you buy these electric cars which will be produced by the cartel and you will be forced to buy.

Ukraine is weapon against Russia, Europeans and Americans if you know where to look.

Russian Units Advancing From Crimea
Have Reached The Dnieper River

Russia Demilitarizes Ukraine

Moron NATO Boss Says Russia Launched A
‘Cold-Blooded Invasion’ On Ukraine

Lavrov Responds To New Sanctions
And West's 'Blame Game'

Medvedev - 'The EU Will Soon Pay
Double For Gas'

The reality is Ukraine has ceased to be a sovereign nation ever again. Russia is dismantling her, as she must be dismantled in order to control the population without obliterating it as Stalin did. In all battle though, Russia has now become exposed with it's 150, 000 troops. As this is what I do, I can tell you that there are not any NATO options to stop Russia. Sanctions do nothing, but the Lame Cherry could turn Ukraine into Finland.

For those versed in history, Finland with the Nazi made Russia bleed when Russia invaded Finland. I will give you the Lame Cherry numbers in how to defeat Russia in 2 weeks.

Provide me 1000 riflemen, women are allowed. My orders are simple. They are to execute 10 Russians per day, or one Russian every 45 minutes.

The tally is 10,000 dead Russians in one day.

In a week, these Simo Snipers would have halved the Russian army, arresting all Russian advance and holding position. By day 15, President Putin would be missing an army and be faced with humiliation, with the reality that he may face a coup. More than likely the Russian generals would double down and send in more reinforcements with Chechen scorched earth. Just remember the Russians are confined to roads as the Germans and Napoleon was and are targets. Just remember for all the territory covered, like Germany and France, that the open country still holds areas which will get Russians killed for sometime. This is where NATO's guerrilla war will be fought.

Russia is not invincible. The United States though in being an anti Christian wokester sodomite mob is not going to defeat Russia, drones or not as the technological snipers of the front.

Russian weaponry has performed very well. They learned the lessons of Bush family in Iraq as that display was meant to teach Russia and China to become technological, instead of rely on weight of numbers. It works on client states like Iraq and Ukraine when technology is allowed to develop.

Russia will now face IED Death, which it taught the Muslims of Iraq to perform on Americans.

The purpose of this post is not to dazzle you again with things you never thought of. It is to bring you to reality to not be sucked into wars which are not yours. This should get you focused again on preparing as if you remember this popular poor orphan girl, posted here after Jan6 that bigger gorillas are out there who will not cower before the FBI and Homeland. They would begin taking heat off of the American political prisoners. It is not that there are millions of enough agents, or that scapegoats will be set up to become "Russian Operatives" inside America and Canada, who are Trump supporters in order to blight them, as that is the operational structure too, it is the reality that Mr Putin is needed for some time yet to be a boogerman along with that Chinaman, and the glamour will be in investigating them, not in framing mentally retarded two leggers in Ohio bars who think they can walk to Russia.

That Sputnik made Putin too aggressive. It made him step too soon. The Dniester Communities in Moldova brought him forward and the Balkans will too, so Mr. Putin having a land bridge to Romania and Hungary, will now have to get established in the Balkans before they are used against him.

I doubt Mr. Putin will make it now as like Napoleon, Hitler and yes Putin, the clock is running and exactly as this blog predicted, the events are unfolding.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
