Wednesday, March 30, 2022

50 Shades of Will Smith White


Yeah I have to be a White man now and change my name to something white,
like Will Smith.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

After the Black Beat Down at the Oscars by the hulking Will Smith bullying little Chris Rock, the Lame Cherry reached out to the Academy of Motion Pictures for anonymous comment and many of the quotes sounded like something out of Jim Crowe.

While I must protect identities, in the spirit of openness here are the Board of Governors who ordered Will Smith to leave the Oscars and Smith told them to FUCK OFF.

Elected to the Board for the first time:

  • Rita Wilson, Actors Branch
  • Kim Taylor-Coleman, Casting Directors Branch
  • Paul Cameron, Cinematographers Branch
  • Eduardo Castro, Costume Designers Branch
  • Jean Tsien, Documentary Branch
  • Pam Abdy, Executives Branch
  • Terilyn A. Shropshire, Film Editors Branch
  • Laura C. Kim, Marketing and Public Relations Branch
  • Lesley Barber, Music Branch
  • Gary C. Bourgeois, Sound Branch
  • Brooke Breton, Visual Effects Branch
  • Howard A. Rodman, Writers Branch

Incumbent governors reelected to the Board:

  • Susanne Bier, Directors Branch
  • Jennifer Todd, Producers Branch
  • Tom Duffield, Production Design Branch
  • Bonnie Arnold, Short Films and Feature Animation Branch

Returning to the Board after a hiatus:

  • Bill Corso, Makeup Artists and Hairstylists Branch

In noting the absolute threatening nature of Will Smith, it is is no wonder the replies had a rather 19th century tone to them.

"Give a Black an Obama inch and they will bitch slap you a mile", said one source.

Another replied, "You heard of the movie 50 Shades of Grey, well let's make Smith 50 Shades Lighter as no White men ever went postal on a host".

"Now you know why the crackers were nutting them oversexed Blacks as that testosterone makes them out of control. My Aunt was a responsible Jewsess slave owner. Why one day this peddler came by with a big Black boy who like a rabid dog, took after my Aunt's house boy, Jethro. If Jethro had not clumb like a squirrel, that boy would have g'ot beat dead. Auntie handled it like all men would in she pulled out her jack knife, and cut off that rabid boys nuts as he was a swinging from a limb. When he had bled out enough to settle down, she took a stove poker and cauterized the surgery. The peddler was so thankful to my Aunt that he gave her a copper kettle that is still a prized heirloom in our family".

"Never had no trouble with Michael Jackson once he got pealed white".

"You know if you edited out all the Blacks in a movie, you would never notice".

"I always ask for the Black Bonus when I direct Blacks as it takes twice the work to get them to do half the job".

"I worked with some really great Black actors. The problem is you get the same performance out of mediocre Latins".

"Ever try to costume a Black? I had an easier time with a naked orangutan." 

That is not to say that all the comments were racist against Blacks. Here is one which represented a number of pro Smith quotes.

"Hey I support Will Smith. Disney is pushing sex pervs like me as a race, so Smith going postal, means the Black brand is not a money maker and once you get rid of the Blacks, that makes more room for LGQPTVLMNOP".

So can any of us really not support Will Smith and the Academy looking to make Will Smith white so he will act civilized? Can any of us not support Disney in their sexual deviants as would not Little House in the Prairie, The Waltons. Full House and all these wholesome shows be better if they had deviant sex in every scene?

This Black on Black violence is a sure cure for the Obama problem in Hollywood. Oprah is cliche now and with Alec Baldwin coming out of the closet in condemning violence, it is time for the Board of Governors to come out of the closet and administer the kind of justice that Will Smith will instinctively understand.

Let us remember that the White and Tan Board of Governors told Black Will Smith to leave, just like Minneapolis Police told BLM to leave the city, but the Blacks still burned it down. Black Lives Matter and it is racist of the Board to issue mandates to a Black Will Smith. The Governors should just come out and state in public what they really think like the above quotes and then this can be settled in Blacks will be gone and movies will be filled with naked transvestites masturbating with the Oscar up their anus, as that is what Disney wants for entertainment.

Disney Executive Calls for ‘Many, Many’ LGBTQ Characters in Future Films
