Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Dictator Biden Does Not Speak for Americans


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

With the Russian Federation being a legitimate biological, chemical and nuclear threat to every nation on earth, and with the installation of Joe Biden into the White House by the global cartel, to start a war with Russia for London finance, the Lame Cherry issues the following defining statement in Dictator Joe Biden does not speak for this American, does not speak for 208 million Americans out of 320 million Americans as 112 million Americans number in wanting to be nuked by Russia.

That of course is a minority and that is the problem with this, in nuclear bombs and nuclear fall out do not have boundaries. Bomb California and the Mormons of Utah will eat radioactive fall out.

If one visits the election of 2016 AD in the year of our Lord, the majority of Americans voted for Donald Trump, because he promised to work with Russia and make peace with Russia. Deserter Donald though betrayed his voters by abandoning this stance. Those voters still exist as do most Americans in desiring peace with Russia.

The Lame Cherry does not condone Dictator Biden's range of uncivilized comments in stating that President Vladimir Putin has no soul or is currently call Mr. Putin a "butcher". A leader of a nation is that nations chief of the military and chief of diplomacy so that the military or that nation's children are not sent out to be slaughtered in war. It is not possible to have diplomatic detente when the American installed in the White House is insulting the leader of a nuclear armed nation, of a most capable people.

There is a notion in this world that Russia can not win a conventional war against Europe joined with the United States. This of course means that Russia could defeat the United States alone or Europe alone in a conventional fight. That should be sobering and it should be sobering that Russia could even in defeat kill millions of Europeans and American in war. Does any American or European reading this, desire to have their children killed on battlefields over war with Russia, which was based on Russia moving into Ukraine to protect Russians there from slaughter from American and British backed Nazis in Ukraine ready to genocide the people of Donbass.

Is it moral to back the genocide of peoples?

Is it astute to decide that some other person's child should die for things in Ukraine which will never affect them?

As David Stockman stated, (Ronald Reagan's economic adviser) Russia does not have even the economy of New York City. New York City dwarfs all of Russia.

Russia does not have the ships to invade any place that has a water barrier. Russia can project power where it can drive to. Even at that, it has no intention of doing that as it has threatened to use nuclear weapons instead of fighting a conventional war, as Russia will not put it's people into  a self genocide of death.

As you read the quote below, the Lame Cherry states the fact that the United States has no Constitutional authority to call for the removal of any leader in this world. There is no legal William Barr finding to kidnap Manuel Noriega in Panama as that leader and try him for breaking American laws. There is a Congress declaration of war to deal with what an occupant of 1600 Penn Avenue is fixated on, and if that war is not declared then America's only business is peaceful trade with that nation.

On Saturday President Joe Biden said Russian President Vladimir Putin is a “butcher” and cannot remain in power.

“We will have a different future — a brighter future rooted in democracy and principle, hope and light, of decency and dignity, of freedom and possibilities,” Biden said at the close of a 27-minute speech at the Royal Castle in Warsaw, Poland. “For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power.”

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov condemned Biden’s remarks on Saturday, saying, “it’s not up to the president of the U.S. and not up to the Americans to decide who will remain in power in Russia.” Peskov also responded to Biden’s characterization of Putin as a “butcher,” saying, “a state leader should keep their temper.”

If Dictator Biden lost his temper, he lost his mind long before this. The Dictator is a plagiarist, liar, rapist, pedophile fondler and a contemptible dictator who is having the FBI make political prisoners of millions of Americans over the Jan6 framing.

I do not believe that the Dictator lost his temper. This was all on a teleprompter, scripted, rehearsed and created for effect. The Lame Cherry denounces this as I do not want me, my family, my Brier Patch nuked by Russia, because this dictator in the White House is insulting Russians.

President Vladimir Putin has bee reported as referring to Americans as Yankees in a derogatory way. As he and Russia have been lied to by George W. Bush. were humiliated by Bill Clinton in the HW Bush looting of Russia, were browbeaten by Birther Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton in being accused of election crimes in America, with NATO promising to not expand into former Russian areas and has done just that, it is understandable why President Putin loathes "Americans" as all he sees in media are these psychotic Will Smith's slapping other Negroes to the vile and disgusting Hunter Biden sex perverts as the image of America which does nothing but lie, start wars and try to start a revolution in Russia for the assassination of Vladimir Putin.
That is a Vladimir Putin who is thinking these Yankees are what is America when that is not the case at all.

That is the danger for all of us, because these unAmerican tools of the 1% are making all of us targets in a nuclear war.

Joe Biden does not speak for me, for Reagan America, which is being erased and will become a Jesuit Muslim slave state ruled by metro dictatorships as the Protestant Christian will be out bred and out financed into oblivion minority.  If Vladimir Putin would have a legacy of another Putinesque leader 30 years after he belongs to the ages, no wars would be needed to be fought as Europe and America will become dark skin 3rd world shit holes as the 1% designed. They will no longer be a threat. The world would become a new dark ages where Russia will become the illuminated light of civilization joining with India as the regions of hope for the 22nd century. This is why President Putin is fixated on the 40 million Diaspora Russians, as he needs those breeding populations to stabilize Russia to the next breeding cycle which will move the earth forward after his period of elitist decay.

Nothing Joe Biden nor the regime in control of America has anything in common with George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, James Madison, George Custer, Nelson Miles, Calvin Coolidge, Andrew Jackson, George Patton, Douglas MacArthur, Richard Nixon or Ronald Reagan.

What rules in America is as anti American as it is anti Russia as it is anti Christian.

The regime, the police state, the military, the conglomerates of America or United Conglomerate America are the antithesis to everything American. They are more than outlaws, they are OUTCONSTITUTION.  The Lame Cherry is against starting nuclear wars with Russia. The Lame Cherry is against using the police state to hunt down Americans. The Lame Cherry is against the Pentagon installing people into 1600 Penn Avenue. The Lame Cherry is against this woke social disorder of organized slavery. None of that is a Republican Government, meaning a government of moral self governance, which has responsible people governing with limited authority not violating the minority's Rights.

I doubt Vladimir Putin would ever read any of this, nor any Russian agency data miners to sway them that the people he has been lied to in the West are nothing at all what is American. All of these thugs installed in the West have nothing in common with the people of Australia, Canada, England, France, Germany or the United States, in their array of despots, dictators and tyrants.

The reality is that all of us do not have to live together, but all of us will certainly die together.

-Lame Cherry 

I do not believe this post will change anything, but this post is about my personal rejection of having a leash on my neck and remaining silent when Dictator Biden is insulting a foreign leader with nuclear weapons and exposing me to nuclear war, because I do not have a bunker to flee to as I'm not rich like the 1%.

What World War II proved is that Adolf Hitler and Emperor Hirohito were right. Eurasia would have benefited from Japanese and German rule, as we all ended up in socialist dictatorships protected by the police state anyway. Russia should never have been created by London and New York finance. Instead the Soviet should have been toppled, and America should not have the blood puppet of more English wars, and a Vladimir Putin installed to buffer Japan and Germany from starting a war with each other.

Natural progression should allow Russia a protective buffer for its security. Russia can expand only so far before it collapses or is at war with China in the East which should be allowed to expand it's resources as it will collapse in 30 years due to an aging non reproducing population. Russia and China only advanced by the 1% giving them American technology. Without that, Russia and China will lapse.

American leadership would not have allowed America to be trolled to this point. George Washington and Ronald Reagan would not be at odds with Russia and cuddling with terrorists in Iran or thugs in China. That is what moral authority is and it is disciplined by daily moral actions repeated.

President Vladimir Putin has seen the sins of America and the West and judged them without remedy. I do not know anyone who supports Fauci mask dictatorships or BLM terrorism. I do not know anyone who disagrees with the statements of Vladimir Putin on not wanting any part of the inhumane incorporated into our lives.

Is Vladimir Putin evil? That is not my decision to judge as an American. That is for Russians. The only judgement I have right to is if Vladimir Putin is engaged in acts of war against Americans. As there is not any proof of that, that point is moot.
As an American, my focus is on what is in Washington DC, and now calling that corrupt kettle black, gets you on lists as an enemy of the state. The list is so popular that the Tyrant of Canada is putting Americans on their lists and threatening them out of Ottawa.

I have no fear as an American of Vladimir Putin. I have grave concerns on what is in Washington DC, making political prisoners of millions of Americans and starting nuclear wars with Russia. All of that is a reality that what is taking place in Sidney, Ottawa, London, Paris, Stockholm. Washington City, Amsterdam and Berlin are greater threats to their citizens than anything coming out of Moscow.

When Vladimir Putin goes to war with the Yankees, it is going to be not because of something Vladimir Putin dreamed up, it will be due to the installed leaders in the West threatening Russia. 

The West has been enslaved to taxation with representation, and by it, faced with erasure and genocide in elimination without representation by what those taxes funded.

- Lame Cherry

My concern is Russia after the vax has concluded that Joe Biden speaks for the West, instead of a united conglomerate of the few enslaving the many. It is understandable for Russia to be more focused on the few armed with nuclear, biological, chemical and conventional weapons, than on the many armed Americans whose handguns and rifles can not shoot the 10,000 miles to Moscow.

It is the Lame Cherry's hope in this proclamation that in the Russian order of battle, they have factored in, that those peoples whose nations have been hijacked, are not a threat now and do not support these regimes, and that in a WMD war they may hate Russia as much as they loathe their stooge leaders, but that those hinterland peoples are going to be needed by Russia in the next phase of this when China becomes the neo threat to China, goaded on by London again. They will be needed as allies in the following war.

The Russians have planned this war out astutely. I just hope for our live's sake they are factoring in their need for the real Yankees in the war that follows.

Nuff Said

