Tuesday, March 29, 2022

A Story of Vax Colours


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is the Story of Vax - In Living Colours

I want all of you to go out and get your vax as you can trust me.

But this mRNA has blood clots that are killing people as it is changing human DNA.

I really don't feel so good. Are you sure this was ok?


I want all of you to go out and get that second vax as you can trust me.

But this mRNA is producing auto immune diseases as in the name Covid means as it is changing human DNA.

I really don't feel so good. Are you sure this was ok?


I order all of you to go out and get your booster or I am going to force you to do it.

But this booster is showing new rapid cancers which is killing people as it is changes human DNA.

I'm really not feeling so good. Are you sure this was ok?


You are ordered to get your new Dr. Robert Malone vax.

But I thought the first 3 vaxes were supposed to save me and now this one has DNA spliced neuro toxins in it and that does not sound good at all.

I really do not feel good. Are you sure this was safe?


Hello 911.  I really do not feel good. I took all the vaxes and I don't think I'm supposed to be this colour of black.

Well, let's see what your chart says. You took the vax which had a synthetic prion in it, completely altering your DNA in which there is not a cure. You took the second vax which the mRNA forever altered your DNA for auto immune. You took the booster with more mRNA suppressors of cancer inhibitors eternally altering you DNA, and you took the last toxin to protect you as the other injections were not protecting you and you are wondering why you look black?

Black is the colour of death isn't it?
