Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Длинная бомба


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The above title of this article is Long Bomb, in Russian it is, Длинная бомба, in English spelling it is, Dlinnaya bomba, and your first lesson in Russian from this poor orphan girl is how to pronounce this and it sounds like, LEAN yah, BOOM bah.

Almost poetic.

The basis of the following analysis is Hal Turner, former or current FBI asset who has correctly focused on NATO is about to dare Russia to attack it's forces which will enter Ukraine. Readers may remember this blog counselled Vladimir Putin's government to bring in French and German peacekeepers to thwart what was coming, but that was not initiated, so we are now returning to the End Game.

I have read that Ukrainian terrorists were about to engage in WMD attacks in Western Ukraine. It is a given if NATO appears in Ukraine, that they will be attacked by General Jens chemical weapons, blaming Russia and forcing a conventional fight with NATO.


One possibility is that Stoltenberg knows that NATO has actual plans to get involved.   The latest iteration of those plans is for NATO countries to "enter" Ukraine as a "Peace keeping force."   Russia has made it explicitly clear that if NATO tries such a move, Russia will engage NATO Troops in battle.  War will be the result. Period End.

And since it is already established that Russia cannot win against NATO conventional forces, Russia would have to "go nuclear."  Stoltenberg and the west think Russia wouldn't dare.   Stoltenberg and the West are wrong.  Russia would.  They've said it publicly. Several times.

I do not believe that Russia can not defeat the pedo fags of NATO in their American woke condition. Russia could absorb a great deal of punishment and the attrition rate of F 35's and other systems would produce different outcomes than American fish in the barrel shooting in Iraq and Afghanistan.

I also do not believe that American sanctions are harming Russia to collapse. Russia is in an excellent position to prevail and that is why General Jens is trying to start a conventional war with Russia.

To answer Hal Turner's question, the reason General Jens is threatening Russia is that Russia will win a nuclear war with NATO. Period. That means that NATO and the United States will lose a nulcear war with Russia, meaning in a loss, it will wipe out their technological modern living so the pampered will not desire to live without cell phones or central heating.

This blog has written of the Long Ball strategy of limited nuclear strikes against the main culprit instigating all of this in London England. The scenario in this would be something like:

The Kremlin would Long Bomb England from the face of the earth to end it's economic hub and forward basing for the United States. As NATO is full bore on wiping out Russia, Russia tactically would behoove itself to detonate a dozen thermonuclear cobalt bombs to pollute Belgium, Netherlands and Denmark, wiping out those commerce and landing zone areas. There would be no need to be concerned about the backwash 2000 foot tidal wave up the Thames as that would be a primary target.

The only other European target would be the British puppet Poland. Again cobalt therapy for Danzig and a swift nuke to decapitate the Warsaw regime, and now Russia may pause and make the following demands.

Demand 1: An armistice with Italy, Germany and France, in not any Russian bombing of their nations if they desist from NATO aggression.

Demand 2: The United States does not become involved or what was done to NATO headquarters in Belgium will engulf all American coasts in pre planted cobalt tidal waves. (Jeff Rense keeps stating his sources are relaying those cobalt mines are in place off America.)

Demand 3: NATO is dissolved. The Untied States gets out of Europe and in it's place the Europeans create a common European Defensive line which runs from Germany to Austria to Italy. All nations to the east to the Russian border are neutral.

Demand 4: The war ends or the war goes full nuclear.

If American Star Wars exists as the legacy of Ronald Reagan, then Russia enters the jeopardy zone with it's ICBM force being ineffective. Russia though does not want a conventional war as it would bleed Russia dry of it's people and gold. Russia does not desire this. Russia goes nuclear as the dirty punishment on the West. Russia fails in nuclear if Russia launches missiles in the air or space.

With the nuclear pincer of Belgium and Poland, the independent French and the contemplative Germans are not going to die for dead Englishmen. They will not die for American imperialism. The greater probability is Russia would effect a Pax Europa.

Would the Untied States launch a nuclear strike at Russia for cobalt tides? Possibly, but Russia would survive. Russia would survive Rods of Thor in Star Wars as they are not dirty warfare. Russia would then respond with dirty submarine nukes to thee American centers not struck by the cobalt wave. If America could not find all the Russian submarines that salvo would deconstruct America to a bleater flock led from the bunkers.

Russia has options, as in the ManPads which were deployed against Russia inside Ukraine. Russia could create 186 Chernobyls on American soil using conventional weapons. America's woke power grid shuts down and the armed survivors would most likely start their own revolution which is what NATO intended was a Russian revolution to cut off Vladimir Putin's head.

This blog provided the first analysis of Long Ball and it's effect in using nuclear strikes to decapitate and chance that Russia would survive and the surviving West would have had enough of wars from the ivory towers by pedophiles.

One must understand the psychology of this. Europeans are snobs. Europeans think Slavs are apes. Europeans think Russian eat out of shit pots. Europeans hate the English. Europeans judge American naive thugs for their use.

In the balance of the scales, Europeans will not die for the English who have slaughtered them for 500 years in the Great Game. Europeans in the balance of the scales would trade dead Belgium and Poland for their lives. Europeans in the scales which balance life, are not going to be bleeding out of their German and French assholes as Dictator Biden fondles children for free.

Moscow will anticipate a NATO invasion of Ukraine. Moscow will anticipate being blamed for a false flag on NATO invaders in Ukraine. We know from Syria and Ukraine that Russia is very astute at planning an order of battle and not being baited when it's troops are slaughtered by Americans. So Russia is ready for what NATO is about to unleash.

Most of thee American public though is now Vax Warrior in wanting to be aborted by Russia's war machine.  The 10 day clock is recycling and events are spooling up again. The West was fortunate in Vladimir Putin was not baited for the Long Bomb. The situation is now though NATO is forcing Russia to not consolidate in Donbass, but engage NATO in Ukraine.

Russia's options appear to be growing more limited as it is challenged. Thee effective use of nuclear strategic strikes will decide the future of Russia and most of the world. Russia already has it's order of battle completed so it will stay to this order of battle. It will not be surprised or goaded. It will be logical and it will be a mirror image of the success in Ukraine, only on a larger scale.

I have no information on what Russia will do. I only analyze the forensic data and make projections for your preparations to deal with the events.

NATO is on a mission to start this war. Russia will be blamed as Germany, Japan and Italy were blamed, as the French were blamed under Napoleon. The English are starting another world war for others to be slaughtered in for their spoils.

It will not be the nuclear bomb. It will be the nuclear waves.

Nuff Said

