Monday, March 28, 2022

She had the bluest eyes


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was looking at pictures of a blog post and came across the above photo of Libby Custer, now that the horse I had, named after her is dead, it bothers me some in that memory, but Libby lost horses too she loved.

The above is my favorite photo of her, as it is playful, shows her exceptional beauty, and it is a statement of what has been degraded in the modern era of women's rights, which has turned them into whores.

In the photo above, Libby is in an era when proper women did not venture into male areas, especially war. Yet Libby went campaigning with her husband in combat. Women simply were not supposed to sweat or be exposed to hardships, which the women who were settlers were, but Elizabeth Custer dove in with relish.

I remember after the Civil War she was riding with George and the cavalry through Texas as a show of force to keep Texas in line. She was sun tanned, wind blown and when Father Custer saw her, he gave George holy hell for exposing her to all of that, but she loved the life as it was liberating.

She almost died of malaria in Texas and that is one of the few things people do not know of her, for all of her laughter and gaiety, she proved she was a most accomplished woman in pioneering the writing and lecturing field to stay alive after her husband was assassinated.

In the below montage, she can be seen in the fashions of the day, and was remarkable in her attention to detail and her ability to change her persona. 

It was in the photo below though in black and white that I noticed something I had not before. I always thought she had brown eyes by prejudice, but in seeing the photo below for the first time, I thought, "Wow she must really have blue eyes as in a black and white photo, you can tell she has blue eyes".

So when this colourized version came along, I just was amazed in how clear blue her eyes were. George's eyes were German, in the Custers were German and the German blue is .......more of a grey blue of seriousness. Libby though while having a fixed gaze of determination, had eyes which were Biblical in coming alive. This photo is as close to what Father Custer deemed the perfect peaches and cream complexion in what every woman tried to emulate.

I just wanted to share this woman with the bluest of eyes. One can note such Saxon perfection in her.

Nuff Said
