Monday, March 28, 2022

The Freak Show


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I really do not want to address this, but I have just had it with these token Negroes parading around like bunnies of the jungle who are above the law and we are all suppose to be Jane Goodall thralled to watch them pick turds off their asses.

Let us make something clear, Will Smith can not act. He is still that same Fresh Peach of Bellaire or whatever that Blackocomedia was supposed to be. His range is getting spook wide eyed or looking stupid. He plays the same character he played in Enemy of the State.

Whatever award Hollywood just gave him, he did not earn as King Richard was not a wide eyed, exclamation sounding, stupid looking character.

Now to the point. Will Smith would not have slapped Chris Rock if Smith did not outsize that little Black man by twice the size. Slapping a man........what a complete puss Smith is, but then the freak show of his family are all the same wokesters. I think I read once that the one boy was a weird sex. They just are not normal.

So Smith slapped Rock over a joke about Smith's wife having GI Jane short hair. The story is Jada Smith has some hair disease. Ok look at the picture and see she HAS HAIR. She just shaved her hair off. And to the point, what the hell is that other shemale with the shaved head? Another hair follicle vicitm? Yeah bullshit. Bullshit to it all. If you are bald you do not have 5 oclock shadow on your head.

Furthermore, it is an odd thing that bald women, women who are actresses and women who had cancer put on wigs if they have hair problems or the problem of having to keep fixing their hair. Jada Pinket wants attention and that is what this is about. No one wants to see her shaved head, her ugly oldness and that weird family or Will Smith acting like Muhammed Ali showboating in the ring, as that is not acting, that is just a moment in the ring and not 2 hours of Smith being a person with no talent.

So things are bad when Alec Baldwin is troubled by Smith's violence. Chris Rock should have pressed charges to put an end to this. We are going to have more of this BLM shit in people hitting each other. The next Black that slaps some Black on the street, they should get a Jew lawyer and sue the shit out of Will Smith for starting this violence.

So the advice is, put on a wig Mrs. Smith. As for Mr. Smith, either stop acting like a chimp in the zoo or rent a cage there as being paid 40 million dollars to act the Black stereotype is racist and degrading.

So we have two Blacks ghetto fighting. Yeah that is exactly what Nichelle Nichols sacrificed so much for.
