As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
As the voice of reason has left the building, the Lame Cherry issues as resounding NO to the American Fag General demanding more US forces be deployed to Europe to stand around molesting children while Russia liberates Ukaine from Nazis.
Top general urges more US troops in eastern Europe
The Lame Cherry is not a Hitler apologist, but what Adolf Hitler stated in 1945 is fact. If the German people were too much the pussies, then Germans should pass by the way and Russia should become the natural Darwin survival of the fittest for the good of humanity.
No one says shit about this when nature is spreading Zebra Mussels and other invasive species like BucK Thorn, it just happens. The dandelion is one such dominant species and has earned it's place because people mow their lawns too short and the dandelion prospers. Put too much power in the globalists and what results is Russia begins to dominate.
The Lame Cherry refuses to allow America, Canada, Australia, Germany, France, Spain and Sweden become nuclear targets due to woke faggots in the Pentagon want to deploy more targets into Europe for NATO to bully Russia. THIS IS NOT THEE AMERICAN FIGHT and it is none of America's concern.
Instead of wasting billions more on "defending" Zellinskyy the Jew's international mafia of Ukraine in their war crimes, the solution is simple. Ukraine has deployed over 3 million MAFIA NAZIS into the West. They are bringing with them the Dictator Biden weapons dumped into Ukraine. Meaning Javelin missiles are coming back into America so the Ukraine mafia can with the Mexican cartel, blow the shit out of you neighborhoods over drug distribution.
The Lame Cherry states, America has piles of weapons stashed away which are Soviet made. So boot this Ukraine shit back to Ukraine and Europe, with an AK 47 and two clips of 7.62 x 39 ammo, and tell them to fight for their Hunter Biden nation as if they show up in America again they will be shot.
A 3 million mafia Ukraine army would use up Russian weapons and win the war and do the world a favor on population control. If Ukraine can not defend itself, then it belongs annexed to a people who will survive past a Zellinskyy cock ejaculation on the piano.
The Lame Cherry says NO to more US troops in Europe and demands that the US troops in Europe be pulled out and replaced with these Nazi mafia thugs infiltrating the West. Ukraine is their shit hole and America does not need more criminal invaders to join the Mexicans and Muslims.
America is looted and can not suffer more looting for the Pentagon whores in conglomerates dumping old ammo into Ukraine so Americans are forced to buy billions more. NO the Lame Cherry states, Americans stay home, Americans come home, Americans do not fight in these corporate wars making Americans nuclear targets.
If Ukraine is so wonderful, arm the Ukrainian Nazis and have them fight Russia. American policy is to get the hell out of this before another world war butchers the United States.
Nuff Said
UN says more than 3.5 million refugees have fled Ukraine since Russia invaded