As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Incompetent Americans are always installed to start wars and world wars.
James Madison fell into the British ruse of the War of 1812. Abraham Lincoln had the Civil War served up to his incompetence by the English and French. Woodrow Wilson was the definition of dunce. Frank Roosevelt was the definition of American inbred. Harry Truman buck stopped the Korean War and Cold War. John Kennedy waded into Vietnam. Bush fam made a recline of blowing up Iraq, while Obama droned on.
Now the world has Dictator Biden, a leader they lusted for as he was their kind of American, compared to Trump WWE. Biden though is like sardine cum, in it he leaves a fishy taste on the plate as he keeps ejaculating on the main course, so that even Kamala Harris is disavowing this kiddie rider.
Dictator Biden is the kind of American the world wanted. The only peopled though who are satisfied with Biden are the Russians as with Biden in charge, the American card is off of the table.
Joe Biden is America's World Warrior
Nuff Said.