Monday, April 4, 2022

Steakless Meatless America: The Globalist Utopia


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I walk through markets and see these sales on hamburger which my dead brother was buying and I think, "As real meat hamburger is 5.99 a pound, what in the hell is in this stuff selling for 3.99 a pound?"

I remember as a child finding blue things in our hamburger. The only blue things in a bovine are the eyes and large blood vessels. I always figured it was the eyes. There are only so many things in a beef to make up for meat.  There is tallow. There are the things that go into cat food. There are things called CANNERS AND CUTTERS, meaning animals that die in transit on the trucks and end up in the food supply. 

If you examine those well known soups with that strong tasting beef and chicken, you do know that rotten meat is strong flavored right?

There are tankage which are animals which are supposed to end up in pet food. I suspect that these large tubes of cheap hamburger are animals that are long dead and are ending up in the human food supply. It will not hurt you any, like the people who buy chunk meat dog and cat food for their gravy on mashed potatoes in these times. People eat all sorts of things.

The reason I mention this, is, I asked our local butcher how their eat processing was going along. She said they were booked to 2024 AD in the year of our Lord. Two years before a farmer can get a critter to be butchered. That means farmers are booking butcher dates for calves not even born yet.

Just keeping you informed.

Nuff Said
