As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
When the Lame Cherry by God's Grace broke the story that Texas is part of a plot to make America enslaved to German Nazi fuels in ridding free people from access to affordable crude oil, this was the tip of the iceberg for the world as something as catastrophic is taking place in California, a state larger than most countries are in the world.
Meet you on the other side.
SUNDAY, MAY 1, 2022
What is Really about the Ukraine World War - A Lame Cherry Exclusive
When the eFuels facility is fully operational, HIF anticipates producing approximately 200 million gallons a year of a carbon-neutral gasoline substitute that will decarbonize over 400,000 vehicles in the U.S.
As America is being set up to be hostage to Nazi Fuels in Texas, the environmental disaster of Gavin Newsome's California is about to shroud the world, and that includes DIA asset Elon Musk and the disaster of his e cars.
California has spent a fortune on solar power. California then to deal with having solar power during the day and nothing at night, spent another fortune in creating the largest battery storage in the world.
Meet you on the other side of the links.
One of the Lame Cherry's kind readers mentioned something about this, so I started researching, but wanted to give them credit without mentioning them by name. The point of the comment was that this battery storage is not dependable and worse yet, the scientific experts and standards in practice have absolutely no idea in how to make this function.
Let us visit that again. California has spent a fortune, California is creating an environmental disaster. California is spending another fortune on battery storage and no one has run model tests to make certain this system will work. California has built a system that no one knows will work or how to make it work.
In the Obama era, that career criminal funded trillions in bribes to Europe, to the 3rd world and to Obama's fraud green money laundering machine. It is obvious that what Newsome and Biden are proxies for, is another propping up of money laundered into mining, battery and whatever else the 1% is selling to Americans or stealing from Americans in the trillions. None of this is supposed to work, so the next phase of control of populations will take place.
What is being deliberately destroyed is the access to affordable coal, gas and crude oil, while the public funds are looted for the 1% in these sham hydrogen Nazi Fuels and this same Tesla battery packs which do not work. In science, one can not overcharge batteries. That means electric cars after hours of charging can only drive 200 miles in warm temperatures. That means that these California mass storage batteries can not ever be fully charged or it will ruin them, they will blow up or start on fire. What is being foisted upon California will be foisted upon the nation. This is a deadly attack upon Americans in cold weather states as there is not going to be power to run the thermostats or fans on furnaces.
This is what Ukraine is all about. You are watching Ukraine and all the while the gas and the electric are being deliberately sabotaged.
Thank God for readers who have existential experience.
It is called a battery in the rest of the world, but in California it is called Lights Out.
Nuff Said