Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Confimed: Russia Arrests Canadian Military Sexual Deviant in Ukraine


Canadian General Trevor Cadieu

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In a bizarre twist in Ukraine, Tyrant Trudeau sent hundreds of Canadian sex pervs to Europe to fight Russia, which inspired Canadian General Cadieu to flee Canada on sex perv charges for Ukraine where sexual deviants are the norm led by that Jew Zellinskyy.

Unfortunately for  Cadieu, he followed Justin Trudeau's perv warriors. Unfortunately for Cadieu he went to Maripol. Unfortunately for Cadieu he got caught by Russia and is now in Moscow under arrest, awaiting trial for terrorism.

Apr 21, 2022 ... The Department of National Defence confirmed Thursday that lieutenant-general Trevor Cadieu retired on April 5 after more than 30 years in ...

3 hours ago ... Russian armed forces have arrested ex-Canadian General Trevor Cadieu in Mariupol overnight Monday and have him detained in Moscow awaiting ...

The worst part of this is, is that Cadieu is a Canadian coward. He was not man enough to go down fighting. He was instead fleeing for his life. He then surrendered and is in jail in Moscow where he could instead be in a nice Canadian prison having sex with other homosexuals.

It is a rule, that is it better to be a cocksucker in Canada than having your balls froze off in Siberia in a Russian prison.

Must be tough for Ottawa. Losing all these sexual deviants.  Then again maybe that is a Trudeau wet dream to get captured by Russians and have a fetish to have your testicles frozen off in 60 below Siberian winter.

Would think you could get the same kind of sex by shutting your scrotum in a Fridgidaire freezer and just waiting for the fun to begin.

I fondly remember the nights Trevor and I drilled a hole in the ice and 
fished our testicles in the waters until they turned blue and masturbated
talking about being captured in Russia and having it happen for real.

Sep 11, 2018 ... Paul McCartney recalled early bonding moments with John Lennon that found them masturbating together in September 2018 interview.
