Tuesday, May 24, 2022

and then came the final solution


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The reason I'm featuring this burr head, is because if you look at the archives here, you will find the date 2023 AD in the year of our Lord. That is the year inquiry was picking up something in the matrix in numbers of people dying.

This blog stated when the markets collapsed it would be in the 3 to 5 thousand range. That is what is being forecast now.

The burr head does long cycles and it appears the war which is being initiated is past the incubation state and has entered the period of the prelude to large war.

Meet you on the other side.

This type of war is similar to WWII but much bigger.   Nenner explains, “The cycle work I do on wars starts at the Mandarin Empire 3,000 years before Jesus came into this world..."

"... The long cycle only picks up the big wars.  Wars in Korea and Iraq do not show up.  So, I say the big War Cycle is up, and this is going to be a big war because the small ones don’t even show up.  So, I am very worried. . . . There was a Jewish prophet that once said, ‘The last war is going to take 8 minutes.’  Nobody took this serious because how can a war last 8 minutes?  Now we have an idea why a war can only take 8 minutes.  Things could calm down in the short term this summer.  Then, next year, it can start full force again, and the whole thing is very dangerous.

How many casualties will there be in the next world war?  Nenner estimates,

“It’s very interesting how you calculate something like that.  It’s the same way you calculate a cycle in IBM.  When you see IBM going down, you can get an upside price target, which we have.  You can do the same thing on the war cycle.  About one third of the population is not going to survive in this world.

So, more than 2.5 billion people are going to die in the next world war that is just around the corner?  Nenner says,

“Yes, the numbers say if you have a world war, it’s going to take out 1/3 of the population.”

On the financial front, Nenner says,

“There is a catastrophe going on in bonds.  They lost their capital and are not going to get it back.  It’s the same thing that is happening in stocks.”

Nenner advised to get out of both the bond and stock markets at the beginning of the year, and he was on target.  Nenner predicts it’s going to get worse for stocks and bonds.  Nenner says the next downside target is “15,000 on the DOW,” and it will eventually hit around “5,000 on the DOW.”

Nenner says food will never be cheaper and expects food shortages and big price increases for years into the future. 

Nenner also says he thinks oil will keep rising and will hit $150 per barrel, and it could eventually hit “$250” per barrel.

Nenner is still long term bullish on gold and says it will hit “$2,500” in the not-too-distant future.  Nenner says if the world goes back on a gold standard, “gold will hit $40,000 per ounce.”

Nenner says people who are getting a pension should expect big cuts in the future and also expect big inflation too.  It will be the worst of both worlds.

On top of that, expect civil unrest in America to keep growing.

The Lame Cherry will predict even more, in before this is over, it will be more than 2/3rds of humanity dead. Gold and silver will end with their value worthless and people will throw it away. Metals absorb radical energy.

About two weeks ago, we had a storm. It was calm before the storm. It was that sickly color. The sky was rumbling with hail. There was sheet lightning and the clouds kept pushing forward. As the front edge neared me, the tornado clouds had long passed over me, but what followed miles away from me was a roar which was like trains and it blotted out  the rumbling thunder. This was supercell HAARP winds in the 100 plus range. It looked like giants had walked through the land and thrown things around.

There is a prayer time in this as one can not do anything else. People, plants and animals died. Things were ruined. All one can do is pray to God and know that you are not a stranger to God as you have been behaving for years before while others were whoring around and trusting in other things. We never took cover as others did and chose to ride it out.

What is coming in the above in evil men and nature in upheaval is something which is going to reveal how small each of you are. You are going to be facing death and the misery after the series of events is not going to get any better.

Evens are resetting again, but finishing off preparations is going to be prudent this summer. Alice is moved through the looking glass and we are going down the rabbit hole. I'm busy by God's Grace setting the ant hill which was obliterated in my Phase II. 

I can tell you what will matter. Food, water, shelter to keep warm. What will not matter are investments and money.



Schwab's Cumdrop blunders around as to what is synform world in why the world is being aborted now.
