Friday, May 27, 2022



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I'm thinking about this as a stand alone post, for the simple reason, you speed read and none of you pay attention as life has quickened beyond comprehension with the designed overload of information slamming your wee brains, so you just arrogantly think you know it all and shut down.

It appears that the Holy Ghost has born me for at least one more mission and that is to provide a warning to thee Elect of Christ in the essence of the Great Deception. The Lame Cherry has begun publishing content on this in what I was moved to, but as the unveiling is appearing, more details are being provided to me by the Holy Ghost. I had no intention nor idea that this would become my mission now.

Like most of you, I knew of "aliens". It was by God's Grace in the Lame Cherry that the narrative changed by what was postulated here that "aliens" are demons, which changed everything. This blog also was the first to define Big Foot and other "creatures" as transdimensional. Once that was published all chimed in as their story.

What captured my attention was a guest on Jeff Rense, who is allied with the Nordics, in Preston Dennette. He is a most charming and open person, and when he stated he was in contact with a woman, who was flying alien craft and that the "alien greys" were benevolent, my radar went up as I knew something had changed in the propaganda as greys are not benevolent. Greys are kidnappers, rapists and murderers.

Thankfully, Mr. Dennette finished his latest book and his source in Dolly Saffron appeared on Rense, as she did other formats telling her fascinating story in interacting with AI ad Greys, among other creatures.

The thing I noticed most about her, was how strong willed she was. She dominated Jeff Rense which no one does. She was absolutely certain of her information and would not be questioned.

Again, thankfully, David John Oates, performed reversals on Dolly Saffron and what was concluded is, she is telling the truth, but that it is hidden in a darkness where she references rape and murder. Yet she defines one alien, actually demon as a mother figure.

I realized that my mission from the Holy Ghost was more involved and deeper when the next week, what should appear in the Thrift but a book which I had heard a great deal about since a child and listened to the author enough to be aware of who he was. The book was Communion, and it was the work of author Whitley Streiber. It is the account of his contact with aliens or demons with his family.

Besides the "filler" which all books have as all writing contains about 90% of nothing as there is not 100% of anything, except the Bible, that is interesting or matters, there were insights by Whitley Streiber which revealed a great deal as to what was taking place in people who have been violated in contact.

I understand the forensic psychological programme which the Greys or satan undertake to change humans from being terrified to humans wanting to continue interaction with these creatures.

The basis is always the same. Contact at a young age. Then a memory contact, with confirmation from outside sources reporting objects, and then the memory contact. Terror is involved in all of these situations, except first contact, in which children are lied to in they will not be harmed.

The terror for Whitley Streiber were the surprise of this Grey, then lots of Greys, then his being unable to move, being carried like a baby, (invoking that control memory of a parent), being informed of things, memories not clear, and then the UFO entry where the experiments and horror begin, in brain, anus intrusion and genitals.

There is something though in the 2nd contact of Whitley Streiber which transformed him and terrified him. A Grey of type appeared with a silver "wand" which it  tapped on Strieber's head, between his eyes, which invoked images, which were not memories. What they were, were his greatest fears. If they were dreams, they would be night terrors.
For Streiber, the first image was the end of the world in a fire ball, whether nuclear or meteor. The 2nd was of his son, having these Biden black eyes in a green park, and Streiber having the idea that his son was dead. The 3rd was the death of his father, choking to death on a couch as his mother sat and watched, not helping at all.
Streiber recognized these as his fears, but leapt to a conclusion that being terrified was the demons trying therapy on him to help him grow. That is not the case, as whether it is Indians running horses into the ground until they drop, whipping them to their feet, breathing into their noses to control them an then riding away on a broken animal, or the breaking and conditioning of troops in basic  training. there is not love or therapy involved, this is using absolute stress on a mammal in order to take contol over them. In mild cases this is defined as Stockholm Syndrome where captives of terrorist, began sympathizing with the terrorists and would not run for their lives. Battered women syndrome is the same breaking of a person, so they stay instead of fleeing.
This is how terror was used to transform people who in their subconscious were screaming RAPE, KIDNAPPING, TERROR and MURDER, but in outward relating of stories, these demons are benevolent and doing good.

In both Dolly Saffron and Whitley Streiber, a like event occurred. When both were beginning to awaken to an awareness, Mr. Strieber was asked what it would take to get him to stop screaming and Ms. Saffron was asked what she wanted. Streiber replied he wanted to smell the creatures. Saffron replied she wanted to learn to fly a craft. Both rewards were granted and with that simple step, both concluded in the terror and rebellion of things done to them against their will, that they were getting something, so the struggle ended.

Both Whitley Streiber and Dolly Saffron are intelligent, well informed, gifted in psychic ability and they have wills which will not succumb. That is a bi product of surviving what they went through. It is also an asset in this conditioning that the benevolent message gets out, and not the one about rape, kidnapping and murder.

I have been troubled by Communion in reading it. As the Holy Ghost has me uneasy to not open doors to this, as I do read people and that means making contact with anything out there. I do not know if it is these two people I am feeling or a warning sign, but engaging in this analysis has a quite intrepid feeling in me that I must be on extra guard in having had an incubus sneak up on me one night after a double ordeal of some horrid people soul raping me a number of years ago.

It is better in writing this in making the analysis known. Having the knowledge of how this Great Deception is being infused into people, brings an understanding of the platform and the progress these disciples are undertaking in this propaganda they have been conditioned for.

There are clues in the conmunion in what is taking place. It is more based in how satan operates in lies, deceptions and influencing minds to sin. People are entered into a trance state, so they are able to be handled. That trance is coming from outside of them in the demons, like a forced hypnosis or sleep paralysis.
Once in that state, any projection or idea can be infused into the mind. Due to 5 witnesses in Mr. Streiber's case, there is an element in this of the physical. When people as a group hear bangs and see light, that is matter being effected. demons appearing in bedrooms and wooshing sounds, is matter and yet appears to be a dimension opening, hence why as this blog stated Big Foot appears and disappears and why these "aliens and their craft" pop in and out of perception. They are like Jacob's Ladder, coming in from a place which is not this time and space.

There appears to be a transfiguration which takes place, like these 3 foot demons carrying a grown man for a distance. That defies gravity to it indicates a anti gravity device or like the disciple with the Ethiopian being there and then not there, a transfiguration of matter into a spiritual type is taking place as the dimensions meld.

Again think of this as Holy Angels being Spirit and yet touching St. Peter in prison in telling him to wake up. Directed energy of mind can produce physical  results from a Spiritual nature.

I believe none of this contact was by accident. Humans opened doors to this entry and demons manifested knowledge and matter for humans to find, as at Roswell to progress this End Times along as that computer information grid is being built for a combined psyche control and power source.

The vax appears to be changing frequency as the 3rd eye was blinded by fluoride. It is said by psychics that people feel dead now, in being vaxed as their auras are disconnected. That is all part of this conmunion, in effect, removing the contact with God and others, to produce a contact only through what is appearing in this combined intelligence, whether it is the contending greys, the NSA or the immortals.

I believe there will be more information posted on the Lame Cherry in examining all of this, but this is the first analysis of how people are being terrified out of their minds to tame them down to be associated with this.

I firmly believe that no Protestant Christian was ever taken. That does not mean that people who sit in Baptist pews were not taken. I mean Christ's Own as a house can not have two masters. If one submits to Christ, then Christ is the Source. If one does not, then no matter how good of person or referencing religion people can be, the door to the soul is open to other influence and control.
I have been there and experienced. It all comes down to the person not keeping other things around out of curiosity or thinking they can handle it.

These are not thing to be open to. The Scripture states that even the Elect if possible can be deceived by this, that is why it is called the Great Deception, as it is that complete in the Star Children, in God is not God, but this force out there and your parents were these greys so you are now free from all this Jesus and sin stuff, and you can go join to a system that is promising you a tree of life forever if you just eat the fruit to change your frequency.

The Bible is absolutely silent on this Great Deception, and the purpose is make the test real. What the Holy Ghost has the Lame Cherry ministering to you in teaching you is the greatest preparation and second greatest gift from God after Jesus Salvation. I would say you owe me like you can never repay and it is the Truth. I suspect many of you will fail when this appears. You will give yourself over to believing it with your eyes than adhering to the message of Christ in the Bible.
Consider the reality that Whitley Streiber and Dolly Saffron are two of many. They are talented, gifted, intelligent and strong willed. In many ways they surpass you the way a human would a slug. As they are messengers of this while their reversals scream rape, you must conclude you are not the Rambo you thought you were.  This is a dreamland, that which is beyond the shadow curtain. As you become overtake in dreams in not knowing what is reality, this kind of deception being presented in the mind with visual sensing is going to have the same effect.
Each of you have had some mental and physical training in the mindfucking which all of us have been exposed to in peer pressure, the demon machine, chems in the water, television beta waves, cell phone G's rewiring your minds, prions, and you are not the zombie walking around. What is coming is going to make the above exposures small. You will be hanging onto your psyche by your fingernails in coming to the point in rejecting this for Christ. 

I struggle with this as parts of me is fascinated by the science and projections of this. Pretty as much as ugly demons would have been analyzing the data, but deep inside me is the warning of the absolute danger, and in the Holy Ghost I remain and I will not venture out into this venue. I will complete my mission in Christ and then never thinking I can handle this or making contact again.

I sit here amused though, as I really am God's piss pot. I'm not the golden cup with the jewels. I'm the thing that is beat up and in the corner.  God chose the reliable shit pot, because I will believe there is no guile or ego in this little girl. It pleases me I have been given the job to do and with Christ carrying me, it will be accomplished for God's Glory and Honor.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
