As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I was reminded today of Elisha the Prophet, taking over from Elijah the Prophet, when sitting with the Sons of the Prophets they were making some kind of food in the pot and the one called out, "My father, there is poison in the pot!"
I don't know if it was mandrakes or what they dug up, but it was a killer apparently, but Elisha calmed them down, and called for salt, tossed it in, they ate and all was not poison.
We had gotten some asparagus from Grandpa's, and as I hate doing that scalding to kill the enzymes in fruits and vegetables so they stop decomposing even in the freezer, I just bagged them up and tossed them in the freezer.
I will tell you, they were good for a month or so, but we forgot about them and what appeared 6 months later were horrid. Kind of smelled like bad grass being boiled up and the asparagus was just BITTER.
You know it was not eatable if I was passing on it as I will eat about anything I can get down.
So I fished around tonight for some broccoli, put up the same broc. I did find a big ass bag of asparagus cluttering things up, so pulled it out and boiled it up in my new used 25 cent dead man pan.
The Holy Ghost started talking to me, and I was like, "What can I put in there to deal with this bitter shit as the scent was bad.?" I did not use the word SHIT with the Holy Ghost as it would be disrespectful.
Holy Ghost suggested canning salt, so in went a teaspoon of canning salt.
I stood around looking gorgeous as I always do and thought some more and the Holy Ghost said about baking soda as that neutralizes all kinds of shit. The Holy Ghost did not use the word SHIT either as it would be a bad example to my piety.
So in went a teaspoon of baking soda and it boiled up and when we tried the vegetable, it tasted just as shitty as caned asparagus does which was an improvement.
So I learned I don't need to blanch shit to taste like shit or can shit to taste like shit. I can just freeze asparagus and then throw in some salt and baking soda and end up with the same tasty shit without all the extra work.
Now I'm sharing this for your knowledge as no on else knows this. I think I might try this on dandelions as those damned weeds give bitter a new definition and see how it goes.
I think that is about it, as I have to go see if I can find a picture of a large breasted woman picking asparagus to top this feature off.
Nuff Said
PS as you can see I failed in large titties and asparagus, as it seems only small breasted women pick asparagus.