Americans Demand Answers After Reports of Cops Standing Outside, Blocking Parents During Uvalde Shooting ∞ human
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
With every mass murder, involving a gun, and never a knife, machete narcotics, cars of vaxes, the leftist in the GOP and Democrat parties, begins ranting about stricter gun regulations and background checks. The regulations in place are already strict and it is time to make the point that gun laws are worthless as is confiscating guns as people murder people.
This is not some NRA talking point which is more frauds from the left hijacking that association, this is the reality that what requires stating is what is wrong with America is the generational cheapening of life.
Frank Roosevelt as much as George W. Bush cheapened the lives of Soldiers by drafting them into wars they did not want or sending them to perpetual wars which burned them out that they did not volunteer for.
Cheapened life is setting a societal brainwashing that women must work, and abandon their children and what makes them women.
Cheapened life is aborting children which gets in the way of women being used as whores and the children born are put into daycare for someone else to be raised.
Leftist Brags How She Killed Her Seven-Month-Old Unborn Baby in an Abortion - ∞ lifenews
There are lots of cheapening in of life. Taxes stealing more than 10% so people do not have a future. Inflation cheapens life so people can not afford to live. This damned invasion by foreigners cheapens their lives as slaves and cheapens Americans lives as replacing them and erasing them.
Cheapening lives is removing Christian virtues which provide a basis for a secure and peaceful life.
That is what the problem is, is American lives have been cheapened by the conglomerate selling them things and politicians selling the public's soul. What is more cheap than a police state murdering Ashli Babbitt on Jan6?
People mass murdering others are the cause and effect of cheapening lives. They do not value themselves so there is no empathy in valuing others. Murdering children is but a manifestation of ending innocence in revenge of someone furious to deranged to barring other children from remaining innocent.
Chuck Schumer BLOCKS school safety bill—says 'gun legislation' is the answer ∞ thepostmillennial
The answer is not what Chuck Schumer, Joe Biden or whatever else is out there calculating for 2022 AD midterm elections. Look at the record of Schumer and Biden in cheapening lives. They cheapen Russian lives by murder. They cheapen Ukrainian lives as fodder. They cheapen America lives by taking weapons Americans paid for, giving them to foreigners and then charging bankrupt Americans for more weapons.
That is the cause of these shootings. It is people whose lives have been cheapened by the worst consort of liars and manipulators who will not take responsibility for their sins, and expect everyone else to pay for them.
Archbishop Defends Banning Nancy Pelosi From Communion: "This is Pastoral, Not Political" - ∞ lifenews
Guns are not the problem or they would have been cured in Obama's mass murdering Chicago of Afroids and Latinoids, with guns from Mike Pence's Indiana. That is the police state cheapening lives for Wall Street who runs Chicago as a community organized dope trafficking center, and without a cartel, the entire profits flow to Wall Street to be laundered there. That is why nothing is said or done about guns in Chicago or any metro dictatorship. Dead kids in Texas are a smokescreen to all of this and it does not fool me, nor the people who read about cheapened lives and begin to realize by thinking this out, that this is real problem.
As the solution to stopping mass murder is sought, the the answer is to stop cheapening lives.
This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said