Saturday, May 28, 2022

The Suicide Nuclear Bombers of the West

Henry, when I'm gone, it will be up to you, to stop
those Goddamn Jews of yours from blowing up the planet.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Each of us must be thankful for the honesty of Dr. Henry Kissinger at Davos for providing the world a time line of two months, or the due date of no return in Ukraine will be July 25th, 2023 AD in the year of our Lord. If "peace" is not reached by that time, then the war in Ukraine will become a direct war with Russia.

The Lame Cherry has stated that Henry Kissinger desires in his group for an overthrow of Russia by peaceful takeover, a sloven elite having sold out their people, like the swamp in DC. This is a civilized approach compared to what is in control of this situation in the Co Opters who desire the shattering of Russia and China, their looting, their humiliation in a direct repeat of Bush fam in the Boris Yeltsin era which almost obliterated Russia.

Negotiations on peace need to begin in the next two months or so, [before the conflict] creates upheavals and tensions that will not be easily overcome,” the 98-year-old veteran diplomat said of the crisis. The outcome will determine the rest of Europe’s relationships with Russia and Ukraine alike, he said. “Ideally, the dividing line should return to the status quo ante,” he said.

“I believe pursuing the war beyond that point would turn it not into a war about the freedom of Ukraine, which had been undertaken with great cohesion by NATO, but into a war against Russia itself,”

As the Lame Cherry has projected what this Dr. StrangePole is setting up is a Greater Poland which will annex Ukraine as Poland annexed the German Prussians and obliterated that nation. This Poland then will be nuclear armed as will Finland, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Romania and Bulgaria with America F 35 A, nuclear armed jets. These jets were built not as combat aircraft but as suicide bombers where the pilots would have only one ticket into Russia and die there.

The F 35 A is a human transport aircraft which the advanced Russian S 400 and S 500 can not defeat as the jets will fly feet off the ground at supersonic speeds, under stealth, in order to be a human cruise missile. That is what this is all about in Ukraine. The nuclear arming of the Greater Poland to die in a nuclear exchange with Mother Russia for the cartel control of West Asia.

The British are behind all of this, and their chief advocate is Atom Bomb Mormon Romney of Utah, who is citing nuclear detonations in Ukraine to make the world a safer place for genocide.

US warned they ‘must prepare for Putin’s worst weapons’ as nuclear war is escalating fast as ‘there are few rules left’

Dr. Kissinger is warning that after July 25th, the war in Ukraine will be won by the Russians, and what will follow will be Ukraine terrorism aimed at Russia, with Russia moving permanently allied to China, and this is where the the combined allies stance of Russia, China and Iran will change the entire framework of the balance of power in eastern Europe, Mideast, South Asia, East Asia, where while Dr. Kissinger did not mention this, the next contention phase will be in three areas, Australia, Africa and South America.
With China in control of the sea gates, Australia will be neutralized. India will remain allied with Russia and not the West. Africa will become a divided continent with China holding the south in mineral exploitation and Russia gaining hegemony over the Libya oil fields.

The direct confrontation will be avoided by Russia and China as they chessboard move to isolate and engulf the world. This is why America and Tel Aviv are practicing bombing runs on Iraq. Iran is the strategic beachhead into the Mideast for both Russia and China from the Caspian and Afghanistan. The cartel is in the process of crippling Iran as a strategic nuclear power to Russia and China.

Again, if the world would simply heed Dr. Kissinger's solution, all of this would be avoided, and the natural enslavement of humanity would be complete in the West and the East, without this waste of human life and resources for the feudal few in the 1%.

The Lame Cherry assesses in this, that the logical projection in this is that Dr. Kissinger will be ignored by the Schwab and Zellinskyy Jewry faction, and what will follow will be murderous terrorism directed at Russia and her east European allies. The Balkans being the logical British historical choice for starting world wars.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Biden Prepares For Simultaneous Wars With Russia, China And Iran

Nuff Said

