Friday, May 6, 2022

The Winston Churchill of Ukraine

"The Winston Churchill of our times": George W Bush holds virtual meeting with Zelensky

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is common knowledge that the Jewish leader of Ukraine looted over 2 billion dollars from Ukraine and has betrayed that nation and the world, in joining with London and Washington DC in placing all of us in nuclear war jeopardy over the mass murder of Russians in Ukraine.

The common mantra of this group is to lump Zellinskyy with Winston Churchill. For those who know history, the fact is that Churchill and Zellinskyy both moved to start world wars by goading Poland into that position. Both leaders also refused peace terms which brought slaughter to their people in order to promote the global order at American expense. They also know that about ends the Jew and the Anglo's common ground. London was bombed by Germany, but Kiev was never bombed by Russia.

Why anyone would allow themselves to compared to Churchill is blatant ignorance. The fact is that Winston Churchill was a sexual deviant. He was an exhibitionist and manifested a psychosis of a phobia of being clothed. This psychosis related to having something so traumatic in his past that his fear of being clothed caused him a claustrophobia.

Winston Churchill was an unbalanced mind. He caused the deaths of millions. This is not anyone to be emulated. 

Churchill liked to parade around naked, ambushing unsuspecting staffers and foreign dignitaries alike with his gin-blossomed twig and berries.

FDR stumbled upon a nude Churchill, only to have the prime minister remark, "You see, Mr. President, I have nothing to hide." Meanwhile, Elliot, responding to Churchill's specific request to meet with him, opened the door to Churchill's office to find him standing completely naked with a cigar in his mouth, dictating a letter to his male secretary.

Instead of making peace, Winston Churchill and Bomber Harris fire bombed German civilians which caused millions of deaths.

Nov 24, 2017 ... The firebombing of Tokyo was far more devastating, and yet we never hear Tokyo discussed. To bomb Dresden, at request of the Soviets, was but ...

In the reality of the Churchill / American Frank Roosevelt "victory" over Protestant Germany, the "peace" would result in 11 million Germans held in captivity who would die, exceeding the claims of the Jewish holocaust.

This is one of thee most abhorrent episodes in world history. That is what is troubling and yet prophetic about Zellinskyy in he does not denounce the comparison, but welcomes it. The fact is Ukraine under Zellinskyy has refused to make peace, honor the Minsk Accords, and have by Nazis been murdering Russians in Ukraine for years. What Zellinskyy and Churchill both share are crimes against humanity.

The praise coming from George W. Bush for the Churchill of Ukraine is even more troubling when one educates oneself that it was Bush43 who started the betrayal of President Vladimir Putin of Russia by expanding NATO, lying to Mr. Putin and deploying missile systems in Europe pointed at Russia.\

George W. Bush was one of line of socialist frauds installed in thee American White House. He like Obama ran as Ronald Reagan. Bush conned Christians in his "What would Jesus do?" question and then abandoned Christians and set up Christian Charities to be used against Christians and America in thee Obama era.

What would Jesus do? 

Jesus would not be trying to start a nuclear war with Christian Russia. Jesus would not be allied with this Jewish pervert war loving embezzler in Zellinskyy. Jesus would not be officiating at sodomite "weddings"

May 24, 2015 ... Despite his reputation for being an opponent of LGBT rights. former President George WBush reportedly sought to officiate over a lesbian ...

For those who know real history. Comparing anyone to Winston Churchill is a red flag like comparing a Christian to George W. Bush.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
