Friday, June 24, 2022

Two Men One Demon


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Until recently, I knew about as much about Napoleon as most of you reading this in being a French name in history. The Lord put a Napoleon book in front of me, and I purchased it.........a 1969 vintage I believe and I honestly did enjoy it as it was a military campaign centered history.

The more I read of Napoleon Bonaparte in fate seeming to guide him early through the morass of missteps which should have brought his end like it has millions of others, the more I started admiring his abilities, and the more I was drawn in, his meteoric rise began burning out in the same situations going wrong for him as it did Adolf Hitler.

I'm convinced now that both men were assisted by the same demon, who was allowed to lead them out, prosper them, and then burn them out. What puzzles me is Napoleon was not exposed as Adolf Hitler would have been, along with the Germans to the epic slide of the Emperor, once he reached out for Russia. Adolf Hitler should have not engaged in the same mistakes as Napoleon and yet he did.

Where Napoleon did not have fodder for his horses. Neither did Hitler. Where Hitler's tanks were not shod for the winter, neither were Napoleon's horses so they slipped, broke legs and died. The Russians melted away as the French and Germans advanced and sickness and winter destroyed them. Honestly, I think there is a microbe in that Russian water that makes people sick from the west, but it does not affect Russians moving west.

I do not believe in reincarnation, but Adolf Hitler is the mirror image of Napoleon Bonaparte. Napoleon simply lasted years longer while Hitler was burned out in five years. Both though were national powers for quite some time.

It would stand to reason that demons do have missions and are attached to those who rejected God and chose wayward path. Both Napoleon and Hitler were brilliant statesmen, political savants, understood human psychology and were geniuses in military operations. It had to be that demon whispering the two front war to both which brought their demise.

Both men were set upon invading England which would have established their continental rule from London to Moscow, and yet both were thwarted by God to wipe England from the map. England has always been the key to all success and all failure. Any anti Christ which appears in these end times, should have a priority of erasing the English from the map. Do that and eastern policy is simplified.

That is about it for the insights in this, as the fact is no one ever beat Napoleon or Hitler, they beat themselves, and for reasons which should have not ever have happened. Both should have wiped out the English, and then taken two years to raise and equip an Army of the East in two spears, for a 750 mile dash in a pincer behind Moscow, to obliterate Russia in no one escaped.

I doubt if the 3rd time will be the charm with the anti Christ. I do know that the Anglo Americans are not looking to repeat Napoleon and Hitler's mistakes in going to Russia to kill the bear. They both are attempting to lure Russia out into eastern Europe, and then retreat into the Rhine, where the over extended Russian communications will be cut off and the Bear will be destroyed on the same march Napoleon and Hitler's armies made to the west, but Russia will die marching east.

Nuff Said
