But Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said "we believe that the United States is purposefully and diligently adding fuel to the fire," according to Reuters.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
With the developments reaching public knowledge that the United States Cyber command has been attacking Russia in Ukraine, that Dr. Henry Kissinger has stated the diplomatic window is closing with Russia in weeks, and the war starting Bidencon sending HIMARS, or mobile long range Russian killing missiles, has moved Russia again to practice drill using nuclear weapons.
HIMARSLight multiple rocket launcher developed in the late 1990s for the United States Army, mounted on a standard Army M1140 truck frame. The HIMARS carries six rockets or one MGM-140 ATACMS missile on the U.S. Army's new Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles five-ton truck, and can launch the entire Multiple Launch Rocket System Family of Munitions.
The Lame Cherry wears many hats in trying to gain enough funds to survive as you sit in luxury. One of those hats is projections. This is not just cause and effect projections. This is thinking out of the box projections as the Japanese attacking Pearl Harbor to formulate proper responses so that events do not take place. Homeland interviewed me over one such projection and is why I do not engage in them in public.
Russia’s Defense Ministry announced Wednesday that around 1,000 members of its nuclear forces staged drills outside of Moscow following an announcement by President Biden that the U.S. is sending "more advanced rocket systems and munitions" to Ukraine.
"In the Ivanovo region, autonomous launchers of the Yars mobile ground-based missile system of the Teikovsky formation of the Strategic Missile Forces perform intensive maneuvering actions on combat patrol routes as part of the exercises," the Interfax news agency quoted the Ministry as saying.
I have a post for July 7th, not that the date is important or vital, it was just an open slot on some information on how Obama Biden have destroyed the power grid in the United States and IT IS DESTROYED. It is not in the process. It is destroyed. That exclusive in matter anti matter is future tense, but the Lame Cherry builds on this as it has projected Russian responses such as a current examination of Russia creating a nuclear pollution corridor from Finland, Baltics, Ukraine, Romania, down to Serbia as a sort of nuclear no man's land in a sweeping attack to make the region toxic for Russian security.
There are other methods though of using non nuclear strikes to achieve an even more debilitating roasting of thee American cash cow in thee American power grid. What Obama Biden have completed has created a vulnerability in the US power grid which is still expanding.
The Lame Cherry advocates none of this no more than it advocates mass murdering Russians with HIMARS.
As the HAARP weather bomb proved in Texas, sabotaged natural gas deliveries in frozen spigots and relying on green energy, will make the lights go out. Wiki has placed online for any foreign enemy the locations of all US green energy.
With the Biden open borders which Deserter Donald Trump did not close, Moscow could deploy enough tactical teams, using anything from demolition HE's, to cutting torches, add 12.7 mm's put holes in generators and no EMP would be required. The US would not have sufficient electricity for at least 6 months even with a crash program to get things operational again. If these deployments continued on with other acts. the United States would have a high tech military, but a dead nation.
This is one of the key vulnerabilities which China or Russia could exploit as there are millions of diaspora Chinese, Russians and Muslims inside the United States as a base of operations for deployed agents, and this is the type of thing that Frank Roosevelt was rounding up Japs and Krauts over in World War II.
Instead of hunting down Jan6ers or dumping billions into Ukraine, the United States should have been building a stable electric grid, instead of trying to destroy the crude oil structure in America for E and H cars.
The Lame Cherry advocates peace and the defense of the United States in all forms to end it's vulnerabilities which have been built into the system for the benefit of the feudal few.
Nuff Said