As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I was wondering what to post about today, which is really May 30th as I have had it with plague and Schwabian war, when of course a subject did appear when some HAARP dual storms came up.
There has been a great deal of fury directed at my Grandpa's place. Storms looked like a giant pulled the trees up when as I was sitting there, I heard those tell tale thumps, well they are bangs as the roof was metal, bangs like rifle cracks and I knew hail was appearing.
It got kind of intense as I stood on the porch watching it. Actually there was standing water in the fields and it was the first time I saw thousands of geysers as the hail hit the water. Having no garage to park in, I ran out, get plunked on the head and pulled the pick up beside a shed and listened to things go plunk and crack as Billy Squier was belting out Lonely is the Night.
I think that place has been hit more by psychic fury than most places the past few years. Just too many upset people who are selfish in not getting their way, and that charge arcs there with far too often devastating results.
Well the pick up window was open. I got a wet ass. Saved the Butternut and Spaghetti squash I have not yet planted so no real harm done.
Just the neighbors cows going moo as they do not like getting hail gun blasted and the calves run like hell.
Am thinking what I can do by God's Grace as I have to get the girls in, inbetween bouts of HAARP attacks today. All is calm now but is supposed to be more interesting things. Thing is we probably did not get hit on the place we live as it is miles away. This area gets a bit more weather than we do. Have a friend who gets hailed out almost every year as they have an alley there that just hails. Odd that hail goes with tornadoes and he never has got blowed away.
That though was my adventure and filling up space here. Odd damn thing as it almost seems nice out now.
That was some big ass uplift.
Nuff Said