Thursday, July 21, 2022

Colder Than Mother Russia's Twat


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As I type this, the ZeroHedge lads have not figured out yet that in 3rd week July, HAARP was dead heading wheat on the Central Plains with heat surges. OK so you understand this, wheat and other small grains need the correct temperatures and moisture to produce a good crop of wheat. HAARP kept it wet and cold so wheat could not be planted, and then it rained and warmed up so corn and beans would be planted for Peking. Suddenly it became dry as the desert southwest and baking heat.

The corn and beans are stressed in sandy soils, the wheat though which is filling their wheat heads, are now being dried out, meaning they will die, or dead head with only chaff in them and the heads that do fill, will have only a marginal crop.

So with the record heat in western Europe to ruin wheat, so that a Russian production will be large, making a reason for the starving masses to bomb Russia and steal their food, we have dead heading in America of the wheat harvest.

So it is hot, but wait a minute as a 70 year record cold is creating sea ice in the Arctic.  I will give you a hint who this is targeting by this quote.

The Svaytoy Petr set sail from the far eastern Russian port of Petropavlovsk on June 23, on course for Arctic waters. Two weeks later, the oil tanker had reached the Bering Strait, but it encountered an issue — unusually thick summer ice.

The ship, built in 1992, with only limited ice-protection, called for assistance to break through an ice sheet that, even in mid-July, still covers major parts of the Arctic shipping route.

So the Russians are being landlocked for commercial trade in energy and yes that would be food too. All of this is  too coincidence for it to be natural as the pattern is to destroy food crops in wheat that Westerners eat, and the pattern is now to ice lock Mother Russia. Hard to run naval operations or oil exploration as Russia and Chine are engaged in, with all that ice being a problem.

Ice is the new Maginot Line.

With that, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

