Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Crossing the Kramatorsk Line


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The basis of this explanation is  the work of Gonzalo Lira, who makes the basic point that NATO built the Maginot Wall in Ukraine on Donbass, to defeat Russia, and the Russians are not fighting World War I as Tom Luongo stated as this is not trench warfare. This is instead systematic attrition of NATO in Ukraine.

Once Donbass is rooted out of these NATO bunkers, then what is being followed is the defeat of the last outpost of Kramatorsk. When this outpost is defeated, then the Russians will have an open road to the Dneiper and once the Dneiper is crossed, it is pastureland to the Polish border.

What Russia has been engaged in this past month is the preparing the battlefield of southern Ukraine, basically for Odessa which this blog noted long ago was the plant. Taking Odessa protects the Russian flank as they swing to Moldova and if they have to deal with Polish annexation of western Ukraine and what Kiev will become as it was intended.

Below you will find a map highlighted by the Lame Cherry in the oval is Kramatorsk, from there the Russians will move west to the Dneiper and with Odessa neutralized, there is now an operational front off of Moldova to Poland or wherever else Russia cares to pressure NATO.

Ukraine is finished not by Russia, but by the cartel. It is meant by the cartel to lure Russia to strike into central and southern Europe. At this point, Europe will stagnate on solar power and hydrogen power. Europe will starve without Russian wheat. The supply line to America for energy and food is too far and expensive. Europe will become a Muslim fuck hole within  a generation.

This is a problem for the Schwabians. They must have Russia destroyed and America a shit hole on a leash. America will not last as global thugstate past a decade.  We are moving toward a fast channel tour of events.
What is the stage of this is Kramatorsk and then southern Ukraine. Russia can not be out in the wilds when the mud and cold hit Ukraine or it will be the Nazi revisit of defeat. Russia will therefore be out of the field before October and in the cities. Artillery, missiles and airpower will deal with the winter mop up.
If Russia cements that position, Poland will not annex Ukraine lands. That would mean that Belarus will link up with Northwest Ukraine, linked up to Odessa and isolates Ukraine to be absorbed.

Once that is completed, then the Slavic lands, Hungarians and Serbs will look to the east and the Black Sea. Isolated Romania and Bulgaria will come into the old sphere. That is long term of a year to complete. The Russians are being handed these areas due to Schwabian resurrecting central Europe and crippling southern Europe. Without food and energy, Eastern Europe will move to the Russian sphere.

This is known by the cartel and why Obama for the cartel moved the next world war from Asia as Bush43 had planned it, but moved it into the populated areas of eastern Europe.

2023 AD in the year of our Lord is central to all of this. We should witness major events by the end of the year in shortages in Europe and system collapse by design. These next months will be the positioning and should show the signs of what is coming. There is too much movement to 2023 AD in the year of our Lord to not have events in upheaval in this time.

As this blog has stated, no one knows these oddball names of foreign places. My intent is the overall picture. There is not so much need to know these locations which are destined for obliteration. It will only require days and weeks to get this to areas you are familiar with in central Europe as that is where this is going to project.

This is the August to October time line. The reality is that NATO would appreciate the luxury of making Russia's army moving west in winter to be destroyed by air power. The driving force of this  though should be in 2023 AD in the year of our Lord, for the simple reason, the regimes in Germany, Austria, England and Italy must realign for this Empire reborn. That is the logical projection for the drawing of Russia out to the west.

None of this is taking into account the reality of China in this mix. The Lame Cherry believes Russia which utilizes passive amplification of cartel programmes, meaning when the Jews want Iran bombed, Russia looks at it as an acceptable policy as this can draw in China, which will have NATO and America fighting China in the Mideast, disrupting energy for the cartel and Biden, instead of in the ocean where the woke Pentagon is plotting in the years ahead.

Russia is not the only nation which plays the Great Game India. This Putin group is as astute as anything that Pitt, Bismark or Nixon ever played the game at.

That is enough of this installment of the projections of what to look for.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
