Tuesday, July 26, 2022

A Responsibility Call


Nobody gets to die for free no more.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

We have all heard of a wake up call and a clarion call, and none of it matters jack or shit, because Jesus has two kinds of calls in a Come to Him and a Judgment call, and you don't want to be part of the second one.

The reason I'm telling you this is, I was talking to Old Steve today. He is a Vet, a really nice man, tough, strong, intelligent and he has based a great deal of his validation on the GOP over the years, and is still calling them up and they don't give jack or shit about him as he is a Republican and they are all Goddamn Nazi's now in the GOP, national socialists.

Old Steve though just like most old people, comes down to the point of, "Well I will be dead in a few years so what does it matter."

Larry was there, another old guy and he was telling us about his Grandkid after I spouted off to them to Old Steve's reply with, "To hell with that, you old bastards are the only ones who know anything. These kids now have their heads up their asses and we need you around to wail some sense into them".

To which Larry said, "I have a grandson. I have an battery impact wrench. He was changing tires. I told that kid, "You better put that on a lower setting than three". The kid said, "I know what I"m doing Grandpa".

Yeah there was the impact wrench sound, spinning and crack and there was the burr and the end of the bolt laying there.

Larry said, "Ok now take the hub and the axle out and put in a new bolt genius".

Larry said what the hell do I know, I'm just Grandpa.

I have had it with geezers taking that refrain. You made this shit world by trusting all those Goddamn Mockingbird traitors who sold our world out. You got your Goddamn GI bill bribe, put on your little war hats, preen around with your poppy's begging for more money and your flag expecting donations, and I say, "To hell with that".

You got enough coin out of this America and you didn't do your job as a Citizen or a Soldier. Sure it was another age and you trusted people, but Goddamn it, it is plain as the nose on your face now that we been lied to for decades and just because things went to hell on your fuck up, doesn't mean that you get to go off and die and a bunch of Goddamn head up their ass fuck ups your kids  raised and you spoiled get to die the easy way for your mistakes.

Bullshit. Once a Soldier always a Soldier. You took an oath. Don't care if you are dead on your feet. You get yourself going as this world is your responsibility.

I once saw footage of a long ago era football game. It did not matter jack or shit as the Dallas Cowboys were a shit team then and they were playing another shit team. The Cowboys though had the best defensive lineman ever in Randy White. Well, the were at 3rd down, had something like the Cardinals stopped and no one cared and Randy White flinched offsides.  They huddled up and you could just see this old man in Randy White and the others had enough of this shit. So the other team got four more downs and I watched them snap the ball on first down, and I saw Randy White blow through that fucking line like it was first and goal at the Super Bowl with the Steelers with 30 seconds on the clock and the Cowboys were going to lose if they did not stop them.
Randy White hit the running back at hand off and the quarterback for three consecutive times. It was thee most fantastic performance I ever saw in pro football. When it was done, the other team punted the ball and the tired White and the Cowboys defense just hobbled off the field. Those three down meant nothing. There was not any playoff coming. It was a shit game and the rest of the games were shit waste. It meant something to Randy White though. He fucked up. He let his team down, but he was not going to let that go as he was a superstar. He alone was the Cowboy's defense those 3 plays and he fixed what he screwed up. He took responsibility because he had character. He didn't get in the huddle and say let's get it done boys. No, he kept his mouth shut, and he fixed it himself because he was responsible for it.

You don't see things like that anymore in this woke world. Men and women are still there like that in I'm one of them. It is the point though that being old and a crip is not any Goddamn excuse that you just get to die or hand things over to some other fucked up children who fucking give up if things don't work right in a minute.

It don't matter if they walk away when you chew their ass. Give it time geezers as they will come crawling back when they get hungry or the nukes start going off. Like my Gram said, "If you won't listen, you will feel". That was her way of saying, You either listen or you are going to get yourself hurt, and by God she was right and you learned.

For now you are going to prepare. You are going to tell those children and grandchildren what dumb son of a bitchin mistakes they are that you made. You are going to marshal your strengths, you are going to be prudent, pay your taxes, obey the laws, not make trouble for yourself and keep your mouth shut on your phone, online and in public. Once the nations start detonating on each other, then you can be who you are as the gulag will be too busy saving it's own ass. Then the dumbest fucking people in the world, and you are related to most of them, are going to be whining and crying, and you are going to kick them in their ass, tell them to get the hell up and moving and they are going to listen this time or you are leaving their asses for these Goddamn 3rd world vermin to rape to death.

If that did not sink in oldster, you do not Goddamn get to quit. You had a hand in making this shit hole and I ain't shoveling your shit hole out. You get your kids and grandkids to shovel your own shit and by the time they get that done, they might be worth a blessing instead of a damn in having some common sense.

To hell if you think you get to lay down in a nice soft casket and be in a comfortable grave. Bullshit, you are going to fix this and I will kick you old bastards and bitches in the ass and will enjoy it, cause I have been wiping enough dirty asses all my life in giving you people cover to get this far, endangering me. I'm responsible and I will hold you to the same standard.

Nuff Said.
