Monday, July 25, 2022

Deep Sixed


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Thee essential fault of co opted American law is that it is this fiction of a maul protecting the masses, when in fact it is this immense immovable object against wealthy conspirators to try them and a reality of a smashing blow to the poor which once it starts will not stop until that defendant is dead.

American legalism is not justice. It is brute force.

- Lame Cherry

The foundation of January 6 can be found in two of the most thin skinned vindictive despots ever to usurp the presidency of the United States in Thomas Jefferson and Frank Roosevelt. With Jefferson his enemies of the state were political competitors and with Roosevelt his enemies were again political competitors.

When Thomas Jefferson destroyed his Vice President Aaron Burr, it was not enough, for Jefferson had to create a pariah to be hung.on a Jefferson rope. For Thomas Jefferson he never would have allowed Aaron Burr to be executed as it would have made him a martyr to destroy Jefferson's vision of a political dynasty. No Jefferson would have  branded Burr a traitor and sentenced to death, and then saved him from the gallows to be exiled to Europe to die in the cold there.

It was something unheard of, but what saved America in that era was Chief Justice John Marshall. America has not since been saved in the Roosevelt era of treason, the Bush era of Patriot Act and in the Obama Trump Biden era of the Bungholer John Roberts upholding tyranny for the elite while aborting the defenseless.

When John Marshall ruled on two of Jefferson's victims in  Ex Parte Bolman and Ex Parte Swartwout, Marshall defined by Article III second 3 what was treason. Treason was making war on America or conspiring with a foreign government against America.

Some addition has been made by Marshall meandering in stating that treason could include those removed from the scene of the act, meaning to conspire as on January 6th as Donald Trump did, but not enter the Capitol as FBI operatives did baiting in Americans, does indeed include treason. What is lost in this though is Marshall regretted that statement of Construction Treason, meaning the King of England could execute everyone, like Lee Harvey Oswalds wife and children, just because they were with Oswald. That is called Principal in English Law and has no place in American Constitutional Law as it's misuse murders the innocent by decree.

What Marshall then did during the Burr Trial, was issue a 25 page explanation of his reasoning, and ruled that his statement on including others not present was Ex Judicial, meaning it was not valid as he was ruling on Bollman and Swartwout in their actions. Marshall extending his thoughts to those not there had no legal baring on the case, so therefore it was not law. The same is true of Bunghole John Roberts creating tax law on Obamcare to force rationed death on Americans. Roberts was Ex Judicial in this ruling as he was illegally writing law which had nothing to do with the case.

So he reality of Donald Trump is that even though he was not in the Capitol, due to Ex Judicial he can not be found guilty of something what others did, that he had not espoused. His propaganda cronies saying it was going to be "wild" is not a call for violence, insurrection or treason, not matter how Thomas Jefferson those wishing it to be think it is.

This is not a defense of Deserter Donald Trump. This is legal reality.

While John Marshall defined treason, therefore insurrection or even riot as a gathering of people, there still must be an act of war. An act of war is one of violent contention, but it was one of weapons in being armed. No one was armed on Jan6, except the FBI operatives and the police. They gassed, beat, shot, caused the trampling to death of people and in the case of Ashli Babbitt murdered her deliberately.

The supporters of Donald Trump appeared on January 6 not to riot, not to make war, but to express their support for the United States Constitution. The damning clarity against Attorney General Merrick Garland, the DOJ and their Mockingbird media is the evidence that if the Jan6ers had intended to overthrow the United States on January 6th, their numbers could have achieved that result as they could not have been stopped. They could have like BLM and ANTIFA in Minneapolis, burned  the city down and occupied the city. None of that happened and as the years have passed the ludicrous propaganda of January 6th being a danger, has one resounding footnote, ALL OF THOSE IN POWER are still in power. Nothing changed due to January 6th. There was not one intimidation of the regime in power. If the over 700 Americans now political prisoners had been a threat, the government would have at least paused. That proof defines Jan6ers as never having been a threat as traitors, insurrectionists, rioters, domestic terrorists or even a mob.

The deaths were due to the police state, not this unarmed group.

This was the concern of John Marshall as he strongly warned that treason should not be extended by construction to doubtful cases.

Construction means threatening the family members of Jan6ers and it means arresting over 700 people on misdemeanor charges of trespassing to intimidate voters as was the stated case. John Marshall warned centuries ago against the police state using license in creating crimes that were not there. The FBI indictments listed "threats" of people dressing alike, carrying a serpent scepter as a dangerous weapon and having police tape for unknown reasons as reasons to arrest people. That is construction and the Chief Justice stated that is to not be done as it violates American Rights.

Thomas Jefferson was in power and framed people to cement power. Frank Roosevelt engaged in this same arresting and detaining Americans, just as Obama shot Americans with drones, to cement power. It is this revolving Cabal of Bush Fam associates in this perpetual politic that includes the theater of the boogerman, that even Deserter Donald Trump plays his part in the distraction.

There is a complete cementing of power in the feudal few rule while the pubic mass is criminalized for being Americans on the right and the left. The majority is criminalized by construction and the defining mason in placing the final mortar touches on this gulag is Deserter Donald Trump in he did absolutely nothing to stop Jan6 from happening as Mr. Trump cancelled the overhaul of thee American voting system to establish trust that there was not any vote fraud.

Deserter Don is a diversion and this leviathan of corruption continues on. He sleeps in caviar comfort as the Secret Service protects him while over 700 American are broken by discomfort as guards watch over their prison rape.

In all of this there was one Judge in Arizona who exhibited the leadership of John Marshall from the bench.

Apr 6, 2022 ... A federal judge on Wednesday found Matthew Martin not guilty of four ... first time a US Capitol riot defendant was acquitted of all charges.

Mar 22, 2022 ... A federal judge on Tuesday found Couy Griffin, a founder of Cowboys for Trump and the second January 6 defendant to go on trial as part of ...

Yet equally in this January 6th lynching another judge found another American guilty of trespassing. Same event where the police invited Americans into the Capitol. One Judge see the law while another judge sees crime.

The FBI and DOJ are still consuming millions of tax dollars and thousands of hours of manpower in this, and it is the illegal extending of law to Construction as misdemeanors are not felonies.  The Mockingbird though posts not treason, but riot, and yet the definition of riot does not meet January 6th.

A state of disorder involving group violence

There were on January 6th, hundreds of thousand in the support of the Constitution in that group. So you understand this, can you have a Covid plague involving a hundred thousand people in DC and only 600 get sick, and of those 600 only the ones paid by the FBI are causing problems?

For this to be a riot, it would require a majority or even ten thousand in the US Capitol. (FBI refused to reveal how many people were on the Mall.) There is not room for those kinds of people, so this was in reality not a riot. It was just as the FBI weeds out criminal agents every year, a few people who are the problem, but it does not make the FBI a crime syndicate.

None of this article is about defense or condemnation on the staged events of January 6th. What the Lame Cherry measures as important is the LAW, in Constitutional Law being shredded, bleached out and co opted and abused for political malice exactly as Thomas Jefferson destroyed Aaron Burr and Frank Roosevelt destroyed Charles Lindbergh. 

The majority of people have no idea what the Constitution and Court Rulings from John Marshall say. It is why the Mockingbird is so effective in framing people and making you think you are criminal and have no rights. There is not a John Marshall to save Americans now from being Deep Sixed. One Judge upholding the law in hundreds of constructed cases is not saving America, it is sparing one American who's life is now shattered by defense bills and put onto a watch list.

The reason Jan6 happened is because Americans are deluded into thinking they are free in a land of liberty and having love for the Constitution makes everything safe. The events of the past years have proven that in people hunted down for Jan6 and people terrorized by the germ state.

The Psalms teach put not your trust in princes nor in the sons of men. That verse observed on January 6th would have saved Ashli Babbitt's life. Stop looking to politics to empower you as this is not the time. Behave yourselves, stay out of trouble, pay your taxes, keep your mouth shut, get off of social media, and employ yourself to being right with God and having provisions so you are no longer drawn into this public arena.

We are all in a world not of laws anymore but shoot to kill orders. It is prudent to avoid contact with all such politics. 

Exclusive: Secret Commandos with Shoot-to-Kill Authority Were at the Capitol

If Dictator Joe Biden was interested in completely the purpose of Jan6, he would follow the example of all Presidents in Washington, Adams and Lincoln, in issuing a blanket amnesty for January 6th to Donald Trump supporters. It would fracture forever the Judas GOPS and end Donald Trump's 2024 aspirations as the Dictator saved Trump supporters while Deserter Don abandoned them.

Nuff Said
