Sunday, July 24, 2022

Missile Launcher USA


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This past Saturday as I was waiting for TL, I glanced up at the highway and saw something that puzzled me, in I saw a rocket launcher driving by in the European green, modern stub nosed truck and flatbed.

As I keep my  cell phone off, there was not time to snap a picture as the Holy Ghost inside of me said there had to be a convoy. Sure enough there were four of them.

I looked online for what these platforms were and I could not find them. I know they were surface to surface missiles in the HIMARS family. They were longer than HIMARS though.

The Bier is the last place on earth. We have no major military bases here. Our local guard units are all shit units as they will not trust our people with weapons. So the question is what were missile platforms moving around and through this area, as there is nothing west of here, north of here, south of here and probably 500 miles east of here that would have any sort of munitions like this, and gain, "What the hell for?" as these are specific tactical units and they do not have any purpose in the United States unless blowing up Russian or Chinese invasion forces.

The rumor has it that the military is calling up geezers to teach the wokesters in the coming events. Am just relating information which does not make a great deal of sense, as this convoy was moving west, so it was not being flown out to Ukraine or shipped there.

Just a bit of information and the reality as this blog has stated, those systems are not for foreigners alone. They will be let loose at American when the time comes.

Nuff Said
