Monday, July 25, 2022



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As the Lame Cherry broke the groundwork in the exclusives on image Obama after June 13, 2013 AD in the year of our Lord, exposing the fraud, the following information shared by D, is appreciated as it assembles a number of known facts in the use of holograms  by the elite.

As this Lame Cherry has stated that the Dictator is either getting baby blood infusions in getting younger or the Pedo has a stand in, as if you recall the footage of Biden falling off his bike, that was not the body of an 80 year old man.

I will explain about these masks.

Meet yo on the other side.


The masks in the video are a skin synthetic, but they look dead. There is though cloaking technology which was revealed in rudimentary form, in war plans and yes, there are DIA NSA "suits" which are mirror images like the predator in Predator in they make objects vanish or they can create an image on this screen skin.

Think of it as a hologram on someone's face of high resolution. As people are not fucking distance in most cases, they would never notice. There are models though which are counterfeit enough in look, but do not touch.

Oh PS: Meghan = Cybot =SHHHHH no more said.

Nuff Said
