Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Deuce Witnesses


Angel Eyes, I don't think we are the duo they are looking for.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

You Matter Anti Matter thoughts on the two witnesses. Thanks CT

Most of the stuff people ask has already been addressed in the archives of this blog. I realize it is more difficult to find the links now that the NSA is jamming the Lame Cherry algorithms.  Duck Duck Go though still functioned to find the link concerning the two witnesses which was published almost a year ago.

I actually was surprised by the information as I inquire of the Holy Ghost, He dictates and I write and I have too much information flowing in my brain and too much focused on in trying to figure out how to get the money we need, that I do not catalogue allot of the information found here. Some of it is a one time broadcast.

I think Nathaniel asked about this. Hard to believe it was a year ago. Liked this one and the Waters of Meribah.

Aug 25, 2021The Two Witnesses symbolize the Old Testament Law of the Prophets and the New Testament Gospel of the Apostles. Jesus the Christ gives an exact time for their appearance. They are between the 6th and 7th Trumpet. In Chapter 10, the Apostle John is given a book to eat which is sweet but sour in this stomach and ordered to prophesy again. John is ...

Anyway it is back to work, as been 50 miles and got 50 to go. Think I will write about that event as it was vax troubling.

I know we are dealing with a compressed timeline now.

Nuff Said
