Saturday, July 23, 2022

Thee American Viceroy


As King John I will level New York City to make a pasture for my chickens.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I'm going to tell you something that I believe has been undertaken in the overthrow of the United States. As the Lame Cherry has been proven correct that the Russiagate operation was run out of British MI5 and MI6 with the CIA's John Brennan managing this operation against Americans illegally here, I believe this was only a phase of the operation of the Rhodes Round Table which has been in the works since 1776.

When the bastard son of the stable boy, Harry, was presented as having a National Geographic fetish for wogs, I honestly reported that Harry married Meghan for the British to regain control of the Obama subjects of Africa. The reason being Meghan was swinging from the trees with the monkeys and the couple were jetting around Africa so much that their jet contrails were so thick that the temperature was dropping.

I now know I was too flat world one dimensional as I did not take this Quadroon serious as she is low IQ. Her presenters though are not low IQ and have a definite British agenda of erasing and replacing Americans.

It was a clever operation as all English intrigue is. The English are a people who let Indians keep their land to enslave them with fur trade, while selling Indians small pox blankets for profit. The Canadians, IR the Scots that Hudson Bay employed to cheat Indians out of their furs, let the Indians cough themselves to death with TB while running traplines for the crown while in debt to Hudson Bay. These are horrid people at their leadership, commerce and trade.

So when the "break" came with the Queen, there was not any break. It was a crown distancing to shore up the crown against Harry and Meghan, who fled to Canada and then were enthroned in California to meddle in US elections and become political.

The latest Harry appearance was at an empty United Nations, appearing again as the not too bright zoo keeper for Meghan, and Harry was mocked, but this is part of the agenda in no one is supposed to take Harry serious.

Rumors keep spreading that Meghan has presidential ambitions, and why not as she does not have to be American in order to run as Obama the Birther was British too. No one with a royal title can hold office in the United States, that is what America was founded on.

Meghan has no chance in Obama hell of being president, but this is not about being president as Michelle Obama is auditioning for 2024 AD as Obama Inc is making it's move to remove Dictator Biden, and yes Kamala Harris too, another wog of British subjection.

I honestly believe that Harry and Meghan are in the United States as coming Viceroys. Viceroy means Vice Royal, as was the case in India, the ruling of the colony for the royals of London. There will be some kind of special relationship where in time Michelle Obama will with democrats produce an honorary Constitutional place for these zoo mates. If it is not Michelle, it will appear soon enough. Meghan brings in the invasion vermin to back this dynasty coming from her cunt lips. You will see the scepter in this duo and the government in Michelle Obama.

Prince Harry also used his time on stage to condemn a "global assault on democracy and freedom".

He denounced the “rolling back of constitutional rights” in the US believed to be referencing the Supreme Court overturning the Roe v. Wade ruling earlier this year.

The bastard of the stable boy used the UN to attack Americans and call for mob rule (Member of Britain), meaning the feudal few, not the mob they manage for profit. Harry is making political positions in denouncing American Constitutional government. He is allowed to do this by the State, CIA, Bidencon and the media. Why is that unless there are orders just as in Russiagate to do these sham Jan6 propaganda campaigns as those in control agree with this.

Cecil Rhodes founded the Rhodes Round Table and Rhodes Scholars to brainwash American college children, and the Round Table became the Milner Group, with the main purpose of placing the United States under British subjection again.

Rhodes had been planning for this event for more than seventeen years. ... the British Empire periodical The Round Table in 1910, and this remains the ...

... recovery of the United States, for making the Anglo Saxon race but one Empire? What a dream, but yet it is probable, it is possible." Cecil Rhodes wrote ...

The Milner Group which followed Rhodes, was genocidal against White Afrikans.  This would be Alfred Milner and the coincidence that a Russian billionaire named Yuri Milner (a German name) furnished Harry and Meghan with their first Canadian mansion, leaves a trail that gives one pause and makes one contemplate that maybe the poor orphan girl Lame Cherry is once again onto something.

Jan 17, 2020 ... Prince Harry met Yuri Milner at the Google Camp conference in Sicily ... for his 'long-standing ties to Russian organised criminal groups'.

Milner held hostile views towards the Afrikaners, and became the most prominent voice in the British government advocating war with the Boer republics to secure British control over the region. After meeting Milner for the first time, Boer soldier (and future politician) Jan Smuts predicted that he would be "more dangerous than Rhodes" and would become "a second Bartle Frere"

These globalists are thee worst genocidists of history. They overthrow established governments, they start wars. they make the White race criminal and murder it as the Boers in South Africa, and if you study their history, they have done this in the United States repeatedly over the past 250 years and they are now succeeding with the traitors who are now in control, and they are so certain now, that they have Harry and the Quadroon promoting sedition in America repeatedly as the CIA, FBI, State all agree with the MOB rule.

An American administration would have booted Harry and Meghan's asses out of the United States, and yet they are promoted in their anti American propaganda. They are the agenda of the cartel and you are looking at your beasty leaders being installed.

You already had British Obama illegitimate having two citizenships. It was all a step of process, ignore the Constitution, and you get a Viceroy dictator with Prez Michelle unleashing the FBI just like on Jan6 to eliminate thee Americans.

Aug 29, 2008 ... He held both U.S. and Kenyan citizenship as a child, but lost his Kenyan ... The Rocky Mountain News has reported (below) that Barack Obama ... 

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I say, What up Harry, he said he has monkey at home like me,
I say, What up Harry, I half white and talk white.

Nuff Said
