Saturday, July 23, 2022

and then came this interesting event

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

So it is not a secret that the Lame Cherry is a big fan of Discover card, due to the benefits and they employ Americans.

A few years ago, they offered me a debit card, so I thought, "Why not", and got one and have used it mostly to keep track of lunches as it is a dead drop card, meaning you transfer money into a holding account which you access and then earn cash back on. It is amazing how much money at a penny will add up from a cash back card.

So the card was running out and Discover alerted me they were sending another card. This is where the Lame Cherry story begins.

So the card arrives, I put it on the desk, and remember I have to activate it, and start the process about 9:30 pm. It is the typical phone automated action in you enter or say the last digits of Social, the card, your birthdate and lately the mother's maiden name. The card activates and then it asks me to set the pin, so I start that process..........and it will not set, and sends me to one of the wetware which work of Discover.

I like Discover employees, The are Black, they work from home and we have a good time bantering, as the first gal joked, "I don't know why the internet put a hex on you".

To the point, it was an hour and a half later, and 3 customer relations one one IT person before this was rectified, plus an expedited new card being sent. Now here come the Lame Cherry part.

No one in CR could figure out what was going on after 30 minutes, so they transferred me to IT. The IT was puzzled as nothing was working in clearing out cookies and things, so the IT asked me to wait and they were looking into the mainframe codex. The IT came back online and said, 'I just checked with another IT before I contacted my supervisor, they have worked here forever, and they confirmed like me, that they have never seen anything like this.

We kept working on things, a new card was ordered, and she told me she had been deeper in the Discover system than she had ever gone. She could not figure out what was going on, as she said, "You got your card on the 21st, but it shows someone activated the pin on the 18th, which could not have happened.". She kept thinking it has to be a bad card, hence the new card being ordered, as she even went in and cleared out the pin codes and other information to make sure the card was able to activate in the system.
As she was working on things, she said she would call back, so I figured, I might as well try and set the pin instead of setting there doing nothing as trying is better than not. I worked on things some more from the site, and shortly, I got an alert the pin was set and an email popped up.

Now I can tell when Canada 5 Eyes was on my system for that faggot Trudeau. I can tell when the feds are grabbing my signal and processing it and resending it to my laptop. The questions is now this:

Who on earth could it be, that could be hacked into the Discover mainframe? Who could do this without the FBI, Homeland or CIA being triggered? Who would have that kind of know how to get into a top of the line credit card server mainframe, and fuck around in there fucking things up for one poor orphan girls card?

Yes this is coming from inside the American IC system again. This was human and not an AI. As I ponder this I think this is why the IT person at Discover was trying a bit hard to say it was my cookies being cleared out..............problem with that one is that they were cleared out several tries before, so it was not my system nor my cache. It was not the Discover system as that had been wiped too.

Just more of the same old with this blog and the popular girl. I do not get upset about it as I have been through this my entire life with satanic obstructions. I just ponder if it was just to make me wonder why or something else was involved.

In any case, that was 90 minutes only Jesus will get back for me. I do not get upset as the clock is ticking on this chaotic order in each day brings it close to it collapsing on itself as that is what the design is for.

I make records of these events as it is always the case in my life in people always say, "I never saw this happen before in my life. 

I have a dozen times over.

Nuff Said
