Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Emancipate Scotland


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This she thing that is ensconced as dictator of Scotland is really worthless.

Nicola Sturgeon's unofficial Scottish referendum should be made a crime - UK poll results   express 

Nicola Spurgeon is asking permission to divorce Scotland from England.  I really do not want to waste a great deal of space on this feckless she thing, because a real leader would just lead. Of course her being a globalist whore, wants to spread her legs for the EU again in joining that socialist dictatorship.

Here is what the Lame Cherry would do in leading the Scots.

HMNB Clyde
Royal Navy base in Scotland
HMNB Clyde

Her Majesty's Naval Base, Clyde, primarily sited at Faslane on the Gare Loch, is one of three operating bases in the United ... read more

The Scots have nuclear warheads on subs on their waters. Scotland seizes them and apparently that idiot Lloyd Austin of the Pentagon sent in US nuclear subs into hostile bases, so Scotland should seize those missiles too.

Simple solution. Nicola phones up Buckingham and says, "Fuck you Liz, we are out of the UK. You start anything and we nuke England. Get the fuck out of our country."

Nicola then phones up Pedo Joe Biden and says, "I just confiscated the nuclear subs and missiles which that dumb fuck Lloyd Austin sent us. We are out of the UK and now in the EU. You pull any shit on Scotland and I will return your missiles and sailors to America in a nuclear plume:.

That is how you educate pedo dope tyrants who make political corpses out of all those who oppose them.

Frankly, I would call up Vladimir Putin too and say, "Hey you sexy Vlad, want to get up into my thing with some naughty nuclear warheads stationed in Scotland as we are booting the English tyrants out and would welcome Russia as our new ally."

Ok if I was an ugly she thing in Scotland, that is what I would do. I love the Scots as they are one of the lost 10 Tribes like America. If I were thee American President, I would help Scotland secede. I would also dig a channel between England and Scotland for defense and sell the soil to the Netherlands an make that country twice as big.

Nuff Said
