Thursday, August 11, 2022

Threatening the Dick

I think therefore I am Malone.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is just for your understanding in this Bambi hunt.

Jeff Rense on August 8th with Erica Khan related a rather incomplete narration on Dr. Robert Malone, who is Mr. Vax, now having lonely road videos made of him, the way former FBI Director James Comey got lost in Iowa Corn Patches.

Rense mentioned something of a journalist, who interviewed Dr. Malone in Hawaii, and at that time Robert Malone said "we" needed to vax up all the adults, meaning the kill shot for every person. Now this is a bit off for someone who is warning of the vax to say.......

He said this though and I watched the video and might have featured it here.

Now here is the punchline in this. I know who that journalist was who Jeff Rense is protecting. That was none other than Remote Viewer, Dick Allgire.

For those who do not know the post production of this, Dick Allgire got deathly ill from something that was called COVID. He almost died.

Dick Allgire here. "I'm in the groove".

The Lame Cherry maintains that this "virus" is a bioweapon. There were two strains, a mucous strain and a shit strain. The shit strain killed everyone. The other deaths in this were from Remdesivir which was a proven killer of queers before with HIV.
The Lame Cherry maintains that people like that Senator from South Dakota were deliberate infections to spread hysteria like the queer Monkey Pox is spreading the same hysteria now. As I do not believe in coincidences, and Rense is now protecting the recovering Dick Allgire, and the reason for the protection is, Dr. Malone called up Dick Allgire. I do not suppose that you could call up Dick that easily to threaten him that you were not pleased with Dick airing that interview and exposing you as a fraud in not a protector against the vax, but you are desiring to shoot up everyone.

I'm good Nordic. I just want to keep your from God and send you to hell.

Allgire had his Youtube erased. He is now cleverly promoting Nordic "We are star children, we are sown from some master race visiting earth and Star Trek was the first sowing of this satanic bullshit as Mr. Allgire views things but he is dispensing the  Great Deception". He is doing a job, but it appears that he got in the way of the Synform transformation and someone probably gave him a shit stain water bottle from his lovely Korean wife who works in the restaurant industry.

This is of interest as it appears the odds are someone tried to knock off one of thee most accomplished remote viewers there is. Robert Malone has a horse in this race. He is being presented for a base in the population to make them believe, not for what was, but for what is coming.

Nuff Said

