Wednesday, September 28, 2022

A Propaganda Ranger


I know I am a size 6.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry desired to batter you with the banter of that health ranger platoform who is featured here in these quotes right of of Qanon retardism.

I will test you to see just how dim bulb you are in your telling me what is the reasoning in the paragraphs below.

By Justin O. Smith of the Blue State Conservative for All News Pipeline

The dynamics behind what makes America the nation She has been for over two centuries have all but been destroyed in the Democratic Party Communists’ fervor to destroy America’s sovereignty and our cultural differences between new legal immigrants and the five million plus illegal aliens who have arrived since Chancellor Joe Biden stole the White House in 2020

Although this entire process started many decades ago, today, Chancellor Joe and his Reich are acting lawlessly simply because no one in the Republican Party have figured out how to stop him and his illegal actions on our Southern Border, that are aimed at restructuring and recreating our social, political and economic culture, in a manner that far too many Americans do not view favorably. And still they have the arrogance to tell us that our borders are secured, blatantly lying straight into the faces of those among us who demand a halt to this illegal alien invasion and the globalist, Marxist-Maoist agitation aimed at destroying any love for the nation of America. 

Alright what is wrong with the above? You are not donating so you know more than me wise ass, so what is wrong with the above?

I will provide a hint:

 Democratic Party Communists’ : Chancellor Joe Biden :  Chancellor Joe and his Reich :  Marxist-Maoist

I do not have time to wait around for your ideas, The reality is a Chancellor and a Reich are German NATIONAL SOCIALIST, leftists. Yet Dictator Biden being termed as Hitler is thrown in with the Communists, Marxists and Maoists, which are 3 different Obama community organized factions, which hate Nazis.

This was a test by the DIA to put this spew out which is moronic. Most of you would just accept this nonsense and move along to the next conditioning with your heads up your asses.

Do any one of you think image Obama, that Michelle thing, Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer is a communist? Do you think AOC is a communist working out of the CIA? These people love money too much to be comrades. Yes Castro to Stalin to Trudeau all got rich as communists, but the fact in all of this is, they all used this authoritarian control to gain perpetual power. They are the same crony politics that Dictator Biden is involved in, as Biden is not a Nazi or a fascist. He is just another authoritarian slug who is crawling around in power, looting the world for  the cartel that installed him.

As for the part about the ignorant GOP. The Republican leadership is in on this. John McCain and John Roberts for Obamacare, Mitch McConnell on everything Obama like Donald the deserter Trump. They are the same group and know exactly what is taking place.

This gem follows and I always appreciate the DIA putting Jesus on things as it always makes it easier to identify the authors and the target audience.

What does one do when one’s own federal government is violating the law and destroying national sovereignty and state rights? Never mind … that was a rhetorical question, I have an answer. It may not be “The Answer”, but it’s my answer, and it comes with a solution that doesn’t bode well for the anti-American, anti-Liberty and anti-God, red, radical, Democratic Party amerikkan Communist rat bastards. 

“And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them.” ~ Revelation 20:9 (King James Bible)

Ok Jesus warns of great Judgment against those who add or take away from His Words in the Revelation. In the above, that verse is not about communists. That is about AFTER Jesus returns and rules for 1000 years. After that time, Gog and Magog are assembled and God destroys them on the mountains, this then completes the Christ Sabbath and ushers in Eternal Life.

It has nothing to do with communists, nazis or Americans being saints.

When someone can not get the Bible correct, that should be a sign that you should not be listening to them. When you are too head up your ass to not know any of the above, it means the propaganda has found the audience intended.

Nuff Said
