Tuesday, September 27, 2022

on the eve of World War, Russia is not a threat


Just give peaZe a chance

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

If you look at the Rense headlines, we have confirmation what this blog predicted when the Russian assassinated with nuclear poison, an MI6 asset who was Russian in London.

That is when this nuclear war began.

Meet you on the other side.

Talks With Kiev Possible Only On Condition
Of Its Complete Surrender - Russian MP

What Would A Nuclear War Look Like?

WW3 Has Already Begun But The Truth Is Being Withheld From The Public Until The Last Moment

Medvedev Says Nukes Can Be Used To
Defend New Russian Territories - Warns Hypersonic Missiles Can Hit The EU And US

Programmed For War With Russia - McGovern

Russian State TV Says End Of Ukraine
Is Near As Putin Escalates Conflict

Brainwashed For War With Russia

The Lame Cherry is going to give you the facts on the eve when billions will die. The first fact is that Russia is zero threat to the United States.

Russia could not invade the United States. Russia would not fight a conventional war with the United States due to distance and cost.

Russia could  mow through Europe, but Russia could not hold onto Europe.

Russia is as Reagan economic adviser noted, has an economy smaller than New York State.

Russia is not a military threat. Russia is not a economic threat. Russia is not a political threat.

The fact is Russia holds the same position that Germany did under the Kaiser and the Fuehrer.  It is rich in resources the same as Lutheran Germany was.

The last fact is, Russia has a shrinking population. It will not be viable as a force in the next decade.

For China, China is not a threat to the United States. China like Russia can not invade the United States, nor anyone else. It is less of a power than Russia. It has zero resources. It has a paper tiger economy.

China nor Russia has ever prosecuted a war beyond it's land borders. Both have failed in land wars.

China will implode as an aging population by 2040 AD in the year of our Lord.

If you desire a threat, the two nations which are a threat to suck America into a war is the Jewish state and Iran. The Jews have the same mindset as the Ashkenaz of London banking, the same group that has made certain that Russia and China have been able to acquire advanced weapons and are being shoved into a future war.

Iran could do vast damage to some US cities with it's nuclear arsenal, but is not a world threat.

The only threat to America is the group which has initiated all of this, like they have wars in economic or real form.

Those are the facts. This war should not be happening, anymore than every war America was suckered into beginning with the Civil War

A pet gold fish has never caused a war.

- Lame Cherry
